Page 35 - Spring 2020 a
P. 35

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             The final tally resulted in Team 16 Malcolm Bailey and John Whiteman in first place, hav-      35
             ing won all four game and with a shot difference of 24. The second, third and fourth teams
             all won three games so their placings were decided by shot difference, thus Team 6, The Thet-
             ford Tigers, were second with a shot difference of 19, Team 12, The Three Degrees Minus One,
             were third with a shot difference of 8 and, Team 2. Jay Francis and John Ottley were fourth with
             a shot difference of 4. Team 13, White Hall One, Peter Skippen and Colin Maul had two wins
             and a draw to finish fifth.
                   It is often said that if you want something done, get someone who is busy to do it, and this
             tournament proved the point, in that who should be in the winning team but Malcolm Bailey –
             organiser, bowler and Assistant Umpire etc.! It was a great days’ bowling with thanks due to
             Malcolm for all his efforts, John Hurst for Umpiring and all those who served the refreshments,
             did the raffle, scoring etc.
                     Paul Reed

                                                                          West Sussex News

                                                                          The West Sussex County Short Mat
                                                                          Bowls  Association's  annual  Triples
                                                                          championship  was  recently  con-
                                                                          tested. 20 teams from throughout the
                                                                          County played in the day long event,
                                                                          initially drawn into four groups of 5.
                                                                                Once  the  group  stages  were
                                                                          complete, the top 2 progressed to the
                                                                          main 1/4 finals whilst the 3rd and 4th
                                                                          placed teams went on to contest a
                                                                          plate competition.
                           Mel Lillywhite,  Marc Lancaster,
                       Chris Blackman of The Martlets SMBC

             In the main Triples Championship final, a team
             from The Martlets SMBC (Marc Lancaster, Mel Lil-
             lywhite & Chris Blackman) ran out 13-4 victors ver-
             sus the mixed club entry of Peter Whale, Denise
             Kirby and Audrey Bull.
                   The County Championships also doubled as
             National Finals qualifiers, meaning a 3rd/4th place
             play off was necessary. Malcolm Rollings, Steve
             Adsett and Ben Haulkham (also from The Martlets
             SMBC) secured 3rd place after victory over a triple
             from Crablands (Selsey). The plate final was won
             by Andy Smith, Dave Alner and Dave Walter of
             Southbourne SMBC.
                   The West Sussex County Short Mat Bowls
             Association recently staged its annual Pairs Cham-              Chris Blackman & Chris Rolph
             pionship at Westergate Leisure Centre. 32 teams                   of The Martlets SMBC
             from around West Sussex competed in the last of the 1 day County Championships, that also
             double as National Finals qualifiers.
                   Chris Blackman & Chris Rolph of The Martlets SMBC(Bury) took top spot after beating a
             pairing from Boxgrove's Infinity SMBC in the day's final. Comptons of North Horsham took 3rd
             after beating another Infinity SMBC team in the bronze medal playoff. All 4 teams qualify to rep-
             resent West Sussex in the English National finals.
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