Page 13 - February 2021 PPIAC Newsletter FINAL
P. 13

Greetings Fellow PPIAC Members:

                                               As your new Treasurer, please find my report which focuses on our 2020 year-end

                                               2020 FINANCIAL REVIEW COMMITTEE

                                               Currently, the 2020 year-end review is in process by the Financial Review Committee
                                               (FRC) comprised of  William Wall, Michael Dupree, and John Morris. William and
                                               Michael are current PPIAC Board Members as well as previous Treasurers. John too,
                                               was a previous Treasurer, but will serve in the capacity of a non-board member,
                                               which is required by our by-laws. As Treasurer, I do not sit on this review committee.
                                               Thank you to the FRC committee members  for volunteering.

                                               PRELIMINARY 2020 YEAR-END FINACIAL STATUS

                                               As we all know too well, 2020 was an anomaly as we dealt with Covid-19 which
                                               precipitated a virtual conference versus an in-person conference. The good news is
                                               the virtual conference was profitable as we had a great turnout plus the costs to
                                               hold the conference were less.
                                               All-in-all, income was down but so were expenses.  With the sunsetting of
                                               licensing in 2020 and the strong efforts of our Legislative Committee to advocate
                                               for the renewal of  licensing for five more years, legislative (our lobbyist) was our
                                               largest expense. Our 2020 Budget vs. Income, prior to the completion of the FRC

                                               BUDGETED INCOME:     $37,125.00
                                               ACUTAL INCOME:           $27,196.21

                                               SHORTFALL:                      -$9,928.79 or 73.26 % under budget

                                               BUDGETED EXPENSES:  $42,163.03

                                               ACUTAL EXPENSES:        $26,224.38

                                               UNDER BUDGET:            $ -15,938.65 or 62.20 % under projected expenses

                                               BUDGETED LOSS:            $ -5,038.03

                                               ACTUAL PROFIT:             $   971.83

                                               LOOKING AHEAD - 2021
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