Page 38 - HSLChristmasAnthology
P. 38
HSL Christmas Anthology Page 38
makes people worse than they otherwise
would be. After that encounter, Wolfgang
was more tormenting than ever ; and even
the tender-hearted Heinrich began to grow
more quarrelsome and fierce. When Wolf
gang came to the door, and snapped his
fingers at him, and called, " Come out here,
you poor little girl-boy ; come out and fight !"
his heart was filled with rage and bitterness.
He hated Wolfgang so badly, that he one
night kicked his old cap all to pieces, and
threw it out to the dogs. Thus these poor
children were in the way to become thieves
and murderers, and perhaps finally to die in
prison or on the gallows, because they had
nothing to encourage their good feelings,
and everything to excite their bad passions.
But our little Heinrich will be saved, and so
will Wolfgang.
One day, when Heinrich was about seven
years old, and Gertrude not quite five, they
obtained leave to walk in the streets to see
the show for Christmas, which was to be on
the morrow. The shops were full of glitter
ing toys, the windows were hung with ever
greens, and many large boughs were carried
through the streets, for the Christmas-tree of
some rich man's children. Poor little Hein
rich looked with longing eyes, and wished