Page 43 - HSLChristmasAnthology
P. 43
HSL Christmas Anthology Page 43
but the words choked him, for he knew he
had spoiled her Christmas. He whistled,
and took up a stone and threw it at a dog ;
and nobody knew that Wolfgang's heart was
troubled with some kindly and repentant
feelings. He went forth into the streets with
his old hat pulled over his eyes, and his hands
stuck in his pockets. An orange woman,
jostled by the crowd, had her basket knock
ed off her head. Wolfgang darted among
the scattered oranges, and under pretence
of helping to pick them up, he filled his
pockets and ran home. " Here, Gertrude,"
said he, " here are some oranges for you. 1
am sorry you lost all your nuts and apples."
The little girl's eyes sparkled at sight of the
golden fruit. " Did the Christ-child give
them to you ?" she asked. Wolfgang felt a
twinge at his heart ; but he only whistled,
and told her to call her brother. Heinrich
had kept out of sight, because he wanted to
beat Wolfgang, and was afraid to do it.
But when Gertrude showed the oranges, and
said he was sorry they had lost their nuts
and apples, he ran out with boyish eagerness
to ask where the oranges came from. " An
old woman spilled them in the street, and I
picked them up and run," said Wolfgang.
" Oh, then the Christ-child did not give them