Page 46 - HSLChristmasAnthology
P. 46
HSL Christmas Anthology Page 46
sullen. " See him ! he looks like a born
thief," exclaimed the orange-woman.
" Nobody is born a thief, my good woman,"
replied the stranger, with a smile : " To-day
is Christmas : the day when Christ was born,
who came to open all the prison doors.
These children are very young, and I hope
will steal no more. Let them go, and I will
pay for your fruit." " But," said the offi
cers, " this is a bad-looking boy ; if we let
him get off so easily, he will be doing farther
mischief." " Try him this once," said the
gentleman ; " it is Christmas-day, and he is
very young." Thus entreated, the officers
went away. Wolfgang stared at the stran
ger, who thus addressed them : " My chil
dren, this is a bad life you are leading. I
live about five miles from the city, and I
have with me fifty children, who have no
kind parents to take care of them. They
are very happy. Will you come and live
with them?"
The children looked at each other, and
didn't know what to say. When the ques
tion was again repeated, Wolfgang answer
ed, with an impudent air, " I know what you
want. You want to make us work like dogs
for you. I won't go along."
" No, my child," replied the stranger, " I