Page 48 - HSLChristmasAnthology
P. 48
HSL Christmas Anthology Page 48
mean by saying she has one of her fits?"
said the gentleman. "I don't know what
fits are," replied the boy. " Old dame Turk-
heim says mother has crazy fits."
The gentleman followed the children into
the room, where stood two broken chairs,
and a rickety table, with a battered porrin
ger, a mug without a handle, and a few po-
tatoe skins. On the bed of rags lay a wo
man, whose fair pale countenance still gave
indication of early beauty. Her e) es were
open, but had a strange look, like one who
walks in sleep. She took no notice of any
thing, and made no answer when spoken to.
The stranger sighed deeply, as he looked
round the miserable apartment. All, but the
wretchedly poor, were rejoicing with Christ
mas presents, before a blazing fire. But
these little hardy children were blue with
the cold, and a few scattered boughs, some
still tied to the broken chair, were all they
had for Christmas. " Where is your father?"
said he. " I don't know, sir," replied Hein-
rich : " he has not been home these two days."
" Is he kind to you ? " " When he is sober,
he is very kind," said Heinrich. " If I take
your mother along with me, would you like
to go and have a good Christmas dinner ?
You shall all come back whenever mother