Page 53 - HSLChristmasAnthology
P. 53
HSL Christmas Anthology Page 53
thrusting out his feet to look at his new»
shoes. Never were two children so happy.
The poor mother had some nourishing food
prepared for her, and was persuaded to take
a bath, and dress herself in clean garments.
It was very affecting to see her gaze upon
her children. She had never seen them so
happy before, and therefore she never knew
how beautiful they were. Then came the
remembrance of their drunken father, and
their own miserable dwelling ; and while
her mouth was smiling, her eyes were swim
ming with tears.
The children all sung a hymn together,
before they went to rest ; and all kissed the
two kind people, whom they called Father
and Mother. As they parted off to their
different rooms, sweet little voices were
heard singing to each other, " Good night,
good night." They all slept like dormice,
until the bell woke them in the morning.
Then they took a bath, and sang a hymn to
gether. After breakfast, every one went to
work, as busy as bees. Even the smallest
child had something to do. At the end of
two hours, they all had a run in the air, and
came back to work till dinner time. " We
like to work, about as well as to play," said
Hans ; " for you see our work is play. Each