Page 54 - HSLChristmasAnthology
P. 54

HSL Christmas Anthology Page 54
              AND THE POOR CHILDREN.     31

      ooy does what he can do best, and he likes
     to do it.  I like to weave baskets ; and that
     boy there likes to cut images in wood ; and
     that little girl knits famous caps. We choose*
     some boy to carry these things to Hamburg
     to sell ; and each of us likes to see how much
      we can earn." " Who do you earn the money
      for 1 " asked Heinrich : " is it for yourself? "
      " Not for ourselves, but for each other," re
      plied Hans : " but you see that is for our
      selves.  If we can buy trees and grafts for
      our orchard, we all have more fruit ; if we
      can buy bushes and seeds for our garden,
      we all have more flowers; if we can add to
      our library, we all have more pleasant books
      to read.  We all give a portion of what we
      earn for our food and clothes, and a portion
      to the poor ; and the remainder each gives
      as he pleases.  One gives his toward buying
      some more books for the library ; another
      toward maps for the scljool ; another to
      ward building an arbour, or a lattice for
      grapes ; another to buy prints for our pic
      ture-room.  We have bought two flutes and
      a clarionet, and a bass viol ; and we hope
      we shall be able to buy a piano, some time
      or other.  I put six cents a week into the
      piano treasury.  Oh, it is a great deal plea-
      santer to work for a thing, than it is to have
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