Page 67 - HSLChristmasAnthology
P. 67
HSL Christmas Anthology Page 67
sad and thoughtful state of mind, and there
fore the wind among the trees spoke mourn
fully, and the evening star seemed to look
into the very depths of his soul. At last, he
came in sight of the Father-House. The
light of a blazing fire was streaming through
the shutters, and the sound of the blind man's
flute flowed through the evening air, like an
angel's voice. Wolfgang spied a half-open
shutter, and he crept timidly up, and peeped
in, as well as he could through the frosty
window-pane. The children were all around
the flute-player, and two of the very little
ones were dancing. The teacher stood
among them, and played with castanets.
Presently, the Mother came in. He could
not hear what she said, but they all began
to jump and caper, and he guessed she had
called them to come and look at their Christ
He guessed right. They all ran after the
good Mother ; and Gertrude, as she passed
the window, saw a face peeping in. She
started at first; but immediately arose the joy
ous cry, " Wolfgang is come ! Wolfgang is
at the window !" " He has done very wrong
to stay so long in the city, and give us so
much uneasiness," said the teacher ; " but
we will welcome him home. Let Gertrude