Page 65 - HSLChristmasAnthology
P. 65
HSL Christmas Anthology Page 65
money, and spend it for gin, and cake,
and marbles^ He thought to himself that
he would eJFn enough to make it up ; but
still he felt very unhappy. He tried to play
with the boys ; but an uneasy feeling trou
bled him all the time, and made his heart
very heavy. The boys told him that he
had lost all his spirit by living out there at
the Father-House, and that he must drink
gin and be merry. At first he refused ; but
they made fun of him, till he raised the hate
ful liquor to his mouth. He drank but one
swallow, and set the mug down hastily.
He remembered that he had promised the
good Mother, that night when they sat to
gether alone in the starlight, that he would
never again taste of intoxicating liquor, and
never steal again. When the boys saw that
he did not drink, as he used to do, they rais
ed a great shout, and mocked at him with
their fingers, and cried, " Ah, you coward !
you are afraid of the old tyrafft at the Father-
House ! " " Say jhat again, if you dare ! "
shouted Wolfgang, doubling up his fist. " He
is not a tyrant. He is a dear good father to
all of us. He has been very kind to me.
And I—and I—" He could not finish ; but
choking with emotion, he turned, and ran