Page 60 - HSLChristmasAnthology
P. 60
HSL Christmas Anthology Page 60
to make him a better boy." "You have
answered well," replied the Father. " I ad
vise you to treat Wolfgang more kindly
than ever, and make no allusion to what he
has done. Offer to help him make his gar
den ; and the next time you have fruit, or
anything he particularly likes, give half your
share to him. In the book I read to you,
you know Jesus Christ says we must over
come evil with good. Let us try it with
Wolfgang. The more evil he does to us,
the more good will we do to him."
Heinrich promised that he would, and he
went away glad that he had not struck his
provoking companion. The next day, he
helped dig Wolfgang's garden, and gave
him some plants from his own. The rude
boy was at first rather surly and ungraci
ous, but his heart was touched ; and when
Heinrich came to him at sunset, with a bas
ket full of berries, he could not help saying,
" I am sorry I pulled up your currant-bushes.
I only did it for fun. I will water them
every day, and try to make them live."
" Thank you," said Heinrich ; and the two
boys chatted pleasantly together, among the
flowers. When Hoinrich saw the teacher,
he ran to him, and whispered in his ear,
"Father, the evil is overcome with good I