Page 61 - HSLChristmasAnthology
P. 61

HSL Christmas Anthology Page 61
           38         THE CHRIST-CHILD
           Wolfgang is sorry."  A kiss and a smile
           were his reward ; and he went bounding
           off, with a heart full of love and joy.
             Wolfgang had formed very lazy habits,
           and he thought rich people were most to be
           envied because they could live without work.
           But the Father and Mother worked very in
           dustriously, and they taught all the children
           that God made everything to be useful ; that
           he who did most for others was the noblest
           man ; and he who made others serve him in
           his laziness, was the meanest man.  Thus
           the boys learned to think it honourable to
           labour.  They worked and played alter
           nately, and did both with their whole hearts.
           By degrees, Wolfgang caught the spirit, and
           began to like work as well as play.  He
           was very fond of music, and soon became
           ambitious to contribute toward a piano for
           the concert room.  The teacher saw that he
           had uncommon gifts for music.  He advised
           him to contrive some way of earning extra
           money enough to buy a flute ; and the blind
           man offered to teach him to play upon it.  I
           am glad Wolfgang will have a flute ; for the
           sweet sounds will teach far gentler lessons,
           than the cursing and swearing in that dark
           alley.  They will talk to him of worship and
           of tenderness, till his whole soul will be filled
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