Page 3 - UIG Brochure v.1
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        A M E R I C A   I S   S T R O N G ,   B U T
        M I L L I O N S   A R E N ’ T   T H R I V I N G

        A recent CareerBuilder report, reported 70% of working Americans
        are living paycheck to paycheck. Yet headlines report America is

        having one of its strongest financial runs ever. But when we dig
        deeper, we see that millions of everyday Americans are barely

        making ends meet and experiencing high financial stress and low

        financial health. And that includes Americans in higher income
        brackets -- financial stress doesn’t discriminate based on income


        F I N A N C I A L   S T R E S S   I S
        A   N A T I O N W I D E   I S S U E
        Financial stress is a nationwide problem. We estimate that 168 million

        Americans are financially stressed — even though it may seem like they

        are doing well for themselves. It’s not always about how much money
        you make. In fact, a 2018 Nielsen study found that 25% of American

        families making $150,000 or more a year still live paycheck to

        paycheck, and 33% of households earning $50,000 to $100,000 do

        With no easy way to manage debt, unexpected expenses, and rising

        costs, financial stress is affecting tens of millions, across all income
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