Page 39 - 2022JanuaryBOG
P. 39
b) JLAP Operations Quarterly Feedback
JLAP continues to deliver exceptional services as a top-tier professionals’ program. The feedback
below was received within this quarterly reporting period:
1) CLE Feedback
2) JLAP Program Feedback.
• Dear Ms. Gros,
Thank you so much for “The Mindfulness Journal for Anxiety.” I was not expecting a book! I
have been doing much better. Bar prep was very stressful at first, but it’s much better now. I
wanted to reach out and say how much I appreciated you talking to me (and the book of
course). All my best,
• How has your recovery program improved your life?
“My life is very peaceful these days. The only thing that causes me significant distress is my job.
Everything else in my life (family, relationships, etc.) is very peaceful. And although I have a
stressful job, it is a good job, and I am very grateful for it. I do not think I struggle any more
than any other attorney who has anxiety. In fact, I think I probably struggle less because I am
always paying attention to, and working on, my spiritual condition. Plus, before I got sober, I
could not hold a job at a restaurant. So I am very grateful: (a) that I am capable of functioning
in a stressful, but rewarding, job; and (b) that all other areas of my life are very peaceful.”
• “Thank y’all. You’ve both been a pleasure to work with over the past two years. I’m interested
in becoming a monitor.”
• “Hi Jessica,
Thank you so much for your support!! It feels like it took forever to get back to practice, but
now that I’m here, I don’t know what’s next: to resume practice or keep doing what I’m doing
(consulting with….). The good thing is that now I have the option again.
Thank you again for all your support!!”
• Awesome!! Thanks for everything over the past couple years.
• “Hi Jessica, I have submitted all of my late or past due reports. I have also paid my monitoring
balance through (…). I met with my monitor this month. Is there anything else I need to do on
my part? Once again, I want to thank you for all you have done for me throughout the
years. Your friendship and guidance has had, by far, the most amazing impact upon my
life. No matter how lonely I ever felt over these past 5 yrs of recover, you were always the
exception in my life. You reached out to me so many times when I needed help. You always
seemed to be right there with me no matter what I was going through. Your patience and
kindness always got me straight when I mentally strayed from my objectives. I know you pride
yourself on being able to help people in the course of your profession. Well, if that’s any