Page 40 - 2022JanuaryBOG
P. 40
measure of success to you, you must be one of the most highly accomplished professionals in
your field. You have an innate ability to express yourself and abide by your instincts. You have
helped me through issues that I didn’t know I was facing yet. I know you know how to deal
with addicts. But we are not all completely the same. That’s been made increasingly evident to
me throughout my experience with hundreds of others who share my illness. You have always
been able to taylor what you have learned and/or experienced to my specific needs, and I’m
sure many other cases that you manage. I have always wondered what your case load was.
How many people have had the fortune of working with you. How many people you have not
only helped stay alive, but thrive under your management. What I do know is that, with the
addition of each individual, your mark of excellent work increases exponentially. So many lucky
and truly blessed people. Thank you for letting me reach out to you periodically, for I am sure I
will be needing you while navigating this next stage of my life. Lastly, I have never had relations
with another that was so one sided. One that all I did was take and take. It’s usually the other
way around with me. All I can do is hope that this correspondence fills something in you that
causes you satisfaction.”