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Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fritz  Dr. and Mrs. Tom  Herchline  Ms. Melissa Kelley      Ms. Jeanne Mays
        Frost Brown Todd LLC        Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.    Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly        Ms. Trudie McAdams
        Mr. Christopher Fry          Herndon                   Mr. John L. Kenrich         Ms. Eleanor McCombe
        Gallagher SKS               Mrs. Constance H. Hicks    Ms. Lisa Kenter             Ms. Kathy McCool
        Mrs. Mary B. Gandenberger   Hightech Signs             Mrs. Regina Kesterson       Ms. Sue McDaniel
        Ms. Edna H. Gangwisch       Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Hildal  Mrs. Mildred Kincaid   Mr. Ken L. McDonald
        Mr. and Mrs. David Gardner  Ms. Mereche Hill           Mr. and Ms. Ray Kingsbury   Ms. Sharron M. McElmurry
        Mrs. Janis Gaskill          Ms. Ann C. Hinkle          Mr. and Mrs. John Kladakis  Mrs. Leslie McGhee
        Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Gawle  Mr. and Mrs. Michael A.   Ms. Lena M. Klein          Mr. and Mrs. Lee McHenry,
        Ms. Mary C. Geil             Hirschfield               Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Klenk  M.D.
        General Electric Corp.      Ms. Jillian N. Hodapp      KLH Engineering             McKesson Medical Surgical
                                    Mr. Jeff Holmes
        Mrs. JoAnn Gerdes                                      Ms. Patricia A. Klosterman  Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.
        Ms. Charlissa C. Ghari      Mr. Jon Homer              Mr. Mark Kluesener          Mr. and Mrs. Scott M.
                                    Mr. and Mrs. William T.
        Ms. Helen T. Gilioli         Hoskins                   Ms. Barbara A. Koch         McQuinn
        Mr. Ralph P. Ginocchio      Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G.     Ms. Victoria Koett          Ms. Mary E. Mecklenborg
        Give With Liberty            Howell                    Ms. Elaine Kolb             Mr. Robert B. Mecklenborg
        Mrs. Eugenie Goggin         Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Hoying  Mr. and Mrs. Howard E. Korb  Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur W.
        Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Good  Mr. Arthur J. Hudepohl    Dr. Robert Krone            Meissner
        Ms. Samantha Gossett        Mrs. Martha G. Huheey      Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J.   Mrs. Sharon A. Menke
        Graeter’s Ice Cream         Mrs. Betty S. Hyler         Krumdieck                  Ms. Cindy Mettey
        Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Graham  Mr. and Mrs. William Ignatz  Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kuenning  Ms. Joan E. Mettey
        Gryadon Head & Ritchey, LLP  Infinite Services Contracting   Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Kuhn  Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Meyer
        Mr. William Greber           Corp.                     Beatrice C. Lampkin, M.D.   Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Meyer
        Mr. and Mrs. Howard J.      Ms. Lynn Iorfida           Mrs. Leah Lataille          Mr. and Mrs. Barry Miller
         Gregory                    Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Irey    Mrs. Betty J. Latimer       Mr. and Mrs. Karrol L. Miller
        Mr. Roger F. Grein          Mrs. Leigh Ismael          Ms. Judy C. Lauck           Mrs. Florence S. Moore
        Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Grosso  Mr. Charmichael Isome      Mrs. Sandy Lauman           Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Moore
        Mr. and Mrs. Michael Grover  J. P. Oil Company, Inc.   Mrs. Grace Ulm Lavrich      Mr. Mark Mountel
        Ms. Judith C. Haag           u/t/o A.M. Kelsey Bass    Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lay        Mr. and Mrs. James E.
        Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A.   Mr. and Mrs. James W. Jackson  Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Lech  Mountjoy
         Haase                      Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. Jacob  Mr. Frank J. Lech          Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy
        Mr. Michael Habel           Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Jacobs  Mr. and Mrs. John Lee  My Doctor LLC
        Mrs. Phyllis J. Hafer       Ms. Terri Jansen           Linda Caswell Berry & Sons   Mrs. Beverly Nakamura
        Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Hager  Mrs. Lois Johannigman    Foundation, Inc.           Mr. Jack W. Naylor
        Dr. and Mrs. T. Richard     Mr. and Mrs. Roger T.      Mr. Andy J. Lipps           Ms. Stephanie Neftzer
         Halberstadt                 Johannigman               Mr. Dale L. Smotherman and
        Ms. Jessica Hall            Mr. Mark Johnson            Mrs. Rose Marie Luking     Mr. and Mrs. Dan Neyer
        Mrs. Madelon C. Hall        Mr. Roderquez Johnson      Mrs. Joseph Lyp             Mr. Donald L. Neyer
        Mr. and Mrs. John D.        Mr. Russell Johnson        Mrs. Barbara MacTaggart     Neyer Properties Inc.
         Hamilton, Jr.              Ms. Jacqueline D.          Ms. and Mr. Carol Magnus    Mr. John W. Nicholson
        Dr. and Mrs. James S. Hanchett  Johnson-Wilkinson      Mailender, Inc              Mr. Kevin Niehaus
        Ms. Mary L. Hanseman        Mr. and Mrs. Scott A.      Mrs. Alycen H. Mansell      Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Niehoff
        Mr. and Mrs. David Hartman   Johnstone                 Mr. and Mrs. Norvin L.      Mr. James Norman
        Mrs. Janet Hauck            Mr. Tom Jones               Mansfield                  Mrs. Marsha Nunn
        Jeffrey A. Haverland        Mrs. Gail W. Kagler        Ms. Tracey A. Martin        O.P. & W.E. Edwards
        Mr. Terry Hawkins           Kahny Printing, Inc.       Ms. and Mr. Mary L Marx     Foundation
        Hawthorn Club               Ms. Patricia D. Kearns     Mrs. Noelle Masukawa        Mr. Michael D. O’Brian
                                                                                           Mr. Rick Olano
        Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hays   Mrs. Ruth Keeton           Mrs. Betty Mathias
        Mr. Timothy F. Heaberlin    Mr. and Mrs. William D.    Mr. Randal T. May           Mr. and Mrs. William F.
                                                                                           O’Leary Sr.
        Mr. Charles B. Hedrick       Kelleher                  Mr. James M. Mayer          Ms. Carole Lynn Olsen
        Mr. Robert E. Herbster      Ms. Jane M. Keller

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