Page 11 - Legacy Fall Edition 2016_Classical
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Mr. and Mrs. William H. Olson Mr. Daniel Rodgers Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steele UC Physicians Company
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Onega Mr. Jim Roedig Ms. Lois M. Stephens Ms. Julie Uhrig
Ms. Joan Osterbrock Rudino’s Sports Bar Mr. and Mrs. David Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Robert Uhrig
Mrs. Caryl A. Osterhus Mr. Haydon Rudolf Mr. Al Stevenson United Dairy Farmers
Our Lady of Light Foundation Ms. Mary Susan Sacksteder Ms. Juanita Stevenson Ms. Coletta Valentine
Mrs. Roseann H. Palmer Mr. Brad Sallwasser Stocklin Family Endowment Vanguard Charitable
Ms. Marjorie Paolino Ms. Cheryl A. Sallwasser The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Endowment Program
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Mr. Paul H. Sallwasser D. Stover Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Vaughan
Parchman SAS Comfort Shoes Strategic Employee Benefit Ms. Maureen Vaughan
Mr. Nicholas L. Paternoster Mrs. Joan Scahill Service Viox Services, Inc.
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. William Mrs. Barbara Schanzle Mr. and Mrs. David F. Stratman Mr. and Mrs. Gene Vollmer
G. Patterson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schmitt Mrs. Sonia Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Wallick
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pearson Ms. Linda Schneider Father Robert Stricker Mrs. Ruth E. Watkins
Pepsi-Cola Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Mr. Matthew P. Strunk WCBC Limited Partnership
Mrs. Jean Perbix Schneider Subway Ms. Mary Jean Webster
Mr. Thomas J. Perrino, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Mrs. Judith Suddendorf Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Weese
Mrs. Evelyn A. Peter Schroeck Mr. and Mrs. Roy O. Sweeney Ms. Barbara R. Wendlandt
Peter Gregory Florist Mrs. Katharina Schulten Sysco LLC. West Ohio Conference of the
Ms. Deborah Peterson Mr. and Mrs. George Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Jerome H. United Methodist Church
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Pies Mrs. and Mr Mary Schultze Syverson Mrs. Norma J. Westaway
Planes Moving and Storage Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Raghu Tadepalli Westwood United Methodist
Plante & Moran, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ms. Molly A. Talbot Church
Mrs. Rhonda Ploeger Schwandner Ms. Norma Tassian Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Miss Dorothy L. Plsek The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. David Mrs. Louise Tatgenhorst Wetenkamp
Mr. John W. Plum R. Schwarz Ms. Vivian Templin Ms. Ethel White
PNC Bank Mr. and Mrs. James H. Scott Mr. and Mrs. James R. Tepe Mrs. Dolores Whitescarver
Leslie Poff Mrs. Martha Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Thayer Ms. Judith C. Wickemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Philp J. Poon Ms. Marlyn Seehafer The Argus Club Widmer’s Cleaners
M.D. Ms. Gina Sellet and Mr. Mike The Camden Foundation Ms. Evelyn Widner
Ms. Mary Popp Rodziewicz The Cheesecake Factory Mr. John E. Wild
Prelude Services Mr. and Mrs. John E. Sellet The Coggins Group at Morgan Ms. Diane Wiles
Ms. Betty Prescott Mr. and Mrs. Willis Serr Stanley Smith Barney Mrs. Virginia Wilhelm
Ms. Joan Price Ms. Sharon M. Sever The Greater Cincinnati The Wilker’s
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Ramsdell Mr. Jon P. Williamson
Ms. Sharron Randolph-Lewis Mrs. Ruth C. Shawver The Kroger Company Mr. Jim Witte
Mrs. Heather L. Ratz Ms. Susan Shields The Original Pancake House Ms. Donna Wocher
RBC Capital Markets, LLC Mr. and Mrs. William The Pacific Kitchen Mrs. Ann B. Wood
Mr. Paul T. Rebel Ms. Christine E. Simone The Woodhouse Day Spa - Chaplain Rebecca Woods
Mr. Nick Rechtin Ms. Genevieve H. Smith Mrs. Susan E. Thibodeau Mr. Ryan Woolley
Ms. Kathleen Reinhardt Ms. Karen Smith Ms. Tanisha Thornhill Ms. Barbara M. Wright
Mrs. Joan Reiniger Mrs. Rosemary Smith Mrs. Janet G. Todd Mr. Kin Yeung
Residents Council of Twin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith Mrs. Virginia C. Todd Mrs. Mary Louise Yingling
Towers Mr. Jack Young
Mr. Thomas Reusch Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Tonnis Mrs. Betty Zentmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Traveline
Mrs. Judy Rich Spelman, Jr. Ms. Kimberly Zupan
Mrs. Caroline C. Richards Mr. Paul R. Spille Truist Comprehensive
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Riney Ms. Michelle Spruance Mrs. Vera Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Mark Ms. Betty A. Stacey Twin Lakes Drama Club
Ms. Mary Rivera Mr. Albert R. Stahl Twin Lakes Gathering
Ms. Bessie Roberson Mr. Kenneth Stahl Twin Lakes Salon / Spa
Mrs. Carol Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Twin Towers Christian
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Staneck
A Life Enriching Communities Publication • Fall 2016 9