Page 25 - NEW ROSE YEARBOOK 04-18-17_Neat
P. 25
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raduate.. To our dear old school we leave the peacef. Jet caused by
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ND^B®Si|Ll^ wills her hair to Pauline Marshall,
RPBEBfrflfflMljfefIS wills his ability to dress to Leon Pratt.
P nV tijR B R ^ K S wills her ability to dance to Helen Canada.
ALFONSO BRf)OKS wills his good looks to George Taylor.
PEARL CARTERwills her sewing abilities to Shirley Minor.
PATRICIA CHEW wills her ability to be a cheerleader to Shirley Williams.
DOROTHY (|LARK wills her ability to play basketball to Gladys Wood.
NORMAN C€>OK wills his ability to play baseball to Clarence Parker.
DAVID COLftS Twills his slimness to Leo Taylor.
DOROTHY (JDLEMAN wills her ability to type to Carolyn Hillard.-
FREDDIE CtfLEMAN wills his romantic power to Melvin Lewis.
LONNIE CoiJWAN wills his ability to keep money to Earl Ross.
GERALD FAf NTLEROY wills his quietness to Willie Hilliard. *
MARVIN F/^JNTLEROY wills his school spirit to the Student Body.
PATSY FAJ&NTLEROY wills her ability to get along with others to Sandra Fauntk :oy,
EVELYN FORI> wills her religious outlook on life to Joyce Coles.
ROSEMARIE-FRENCH wills her walk to Rosa Coleman.
JACQUELINE GARLIC wills her position as office ass't. to any reliable junior gir
LOUIS MAMIES wills his position as captain of the football team to William Ten ;U.
JOAN LEWIS wills her friendliness to Shelia Sample.
GLADYS MORRIS wills her petite figure to Mary Minor.
DIANN PARKER wills her courage to try anything once to Rosetta Coles.
EDITH ENDLETON wills her typing ability to Helen Beanum. s
ALLEN OLLINS wills his ability to play basketball to David Sims. .. ■>
CLYDE OLLINS wills his ability to make an "A" in Government to Bernard inderson.
FRAN LLINS wills his 129 pounds*to Louis Boggs.
BETT ROSS wills her ability to sing to Theresa Burrell.
ANNil S AMUELS wills her personality to Mary Willis.
JACQUELINE SAMUELS wills her position as student choir directress to Sandra Fauntleroy.
ERNEfST SMITH wills his dancing ability to Robert Coleman.
MARj/IN SMI‘^H\WiUs his ability to be drum major to Leon Pratt.
LUC] sight to Jean Lewis.
BARBARA to drive a bus to Carolyn Thompson.
is Xp Lavaughn Brooks. ,
[N( ills his ability to h 1 1 _ • _• -T T . M l i J ^
.w p O ffiL it personality to Pegg
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In witness of our
Lord, one th<
Class of 19