Page 27 - NEW ROSE YEARBOOK 04-18-17_Neat
P. 27
Now it is the year 1975 and the scene opens as the class of '65 has its first class reunion, in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Washington. First to appear, as always, is Patricia Chew and
Evelyn Ford, who have charmed male students as heads of the history department at Yale Uni
It is now five o'clock and the crowd is pouring in. Take a look at the cars if you please-
from Cadillacs to some of which we don't ever know the names.
The crowd has gathered around Gerald Fauntleroy as usual. Let’s see what we can get from
the conversations. Allen Rollins is an all pro-center for the Boston Celtics. Gladys Morris, as
pretty as ever, along with Rosie Montaque and Lois Wood are stenographers. Emmett Walker is
head of the English Department at Columbia University. Marvin Fauntleroy is coach of the un
beaten Trojon Five from V.S.C. General Motors has just hired a new staff of mechanics for its
Snell plant. They are head-mechanic, Willie Washington and his assistants Robert Broadus,
Alfonzo Brooks, and Lonnie Coleman.
Appearing next-throwing her beautiful voice over the audience-is Dorothy Clark, the lead
singer of the Supremes. Here comes Betty Ross in her fur wrap. She’s a professional stenograph
er at Maryland State College and a part-time singer for the Blossoms.
Falling in next are the two greatest things that have ever happened to the Cleveland Browns.
All pro-line backers are Gerald Fauntleroy and Louis Hames, former Wildcats. Another great
figure for the sports world is Norman Cook, the greatest center-fielder since Willie Mays. Making
the scene late, as usual, are three I.B.M. machine operators, Jackie Samuel, Jacqueline Garlic,
and James Smith. Here, too, are two members of the electronics board from Cape Kennedy,
Reggie Lucas, and David Cole.
What do we have here? Another teacher, Miss Barbara Taylor, head of tne mstory Depart
ment at V.S.C. Dedicated to keeping the girls beautiful we have these fine instructors from the
Apex Beauty School, Phyllis Brooks, Lucille Tyler, Ethel Tyler, and Rosemary French. Don't
worry boys, we have a barber, too, in the hands of Lonnie Coleman. By the way girls, Annie
Samuels is setting up a private beauty salon. Look who’s here next-the brothers, General Frank
and Clyde Rollins, both with twenty years of service in the armed forces. Businessmen here we
are again with two lovely stenographers, Miss Linda Broadus and Miss Joan Lewis. Working as
a special agricultural consultant to the government is Ernest Smith. We also find two truly great
nurses, Dianne Parker and Dorothy Coleman.
Guess What? Lena Horne's special seamtresses are Pearl Carter and Edith Pendleton.
Look who’s here with a sign on his back. It’s Freddie Coleman. The sign reads "If you
should kick the bucket in the next ten years, send your body to Freddie's Funeral Home."
Louis Andrew Hames