Page 151 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 151

thE oPtomEtRy tEam:
dEVEloPmENt maNual foR suPPoRt staff iN oPtomEtRy PRacticEs - 4th EditioN
By: toNy haNks, od
“The Optometry Team” is the solution for training support staff. Contains over 400 easy-to-understand pages written by optometrist Tony Hanks. Staff will learn about eyecare, lenses, frames, contact lenses, ophthalmics, office procedures, etc. Includes hundreds of photos & illustrations
   assEssiNg REadiNg: multiPle measures
This collection of tests assesses the skills related to reading. Written for the teacher or parent. Identifies the student with problems and determines the next step in instruc- tion necessary to remediate that difficulty. Easy-to-follow instructions. Reproducible recording forms. Spanish assessments are included for the early grades.
ATP8120 $59.95
thE loW VisioN haNdBook foR EyEcaRE PRofEssioNals 2Nd EditioN By: BaRBaRa BRoWN, co, mEd LVHBK $59.95
Clearly organized and simply presented, The Low Vision Handbook for Eyecare Professionals, Second Edition offers an introduction to all aspects of low vision, including a short history of low vision and the basic optics of magnifiers. Provides practical material on assessing low vision patients, the psychology of visual loss, and ways to alleviate patients’ common fears. Additionally, the book explores current optical, non-optical, and electronic devices and their appropriate uses for various patients.
       Visual dEVEloPmENt, diagNosis, aNd tREatmENt of thE PEdiatRic PatiENt 2Nd EditioN
Robert H Duckman, Pam Schnell, Marc B Taub
Combines basic concepts of vision development with clinical diagnosis and treatment of vision disorders in infants, toddlers, children, and adolescents. Heavily updated, with new sections on timely issues and topics, the book is ideal for anyone who needs to know the practical aspects of evaluation and care of pediatric patients.
Paperback, 450 pages
VDDTPP $109.95
  to make learning easier.
 A great staff training tool for any practice!
  high PERfoRmaNcE VisioN
how to iMProve your visuaL acuity, hoNe your Motor skiLLs & uP your gaMe
 By doNald s. tEig od
HPVBK $15.95
 During his work with professional athletes over the past forty years, Dr. Teig developed a series of visual and visual- motor performance tests to determine the strengths and weaknesses of their eyesight. After establishing an initial baseline of test results, the athletes were given specific exercises designed to improve their visual skills. He then tested them again and measured the results against the baseline. With each succession of exercises, their sight and motor coordination improved, as did their performance on the playing field. In High Performance Vision, Dr. Teig details his unique approach and offers his highly effective exercise regimen for improving your own vision.
Interested in adding Sports Vision to your practice?
Visit our website to view the Teig Visual Calisthenics Sports Vision Training Kits!
  sEE to Play: thE EyEs of ElitE athlEtEs By michaEl a. PEtERs od
STPBK1 $19.95
 In the competitive world, conditioning is everything. Athletes who can get an edge have a better chance of moving up the ladder to more and more elite levels of play. But one aspect of conditioning that is often overlooked is vision. Ignored or undetected problems in the visual system have stopped many athletes’ progress before making it to the professional -- or even college levels -- and has even ended otherwise promising professional athletic careers. Vision can be conditioned just like any other physical attribute, and the earlier this conditioning starts, the better.
In See to Play, eminent optometrist Michael Peters, who works with many professional athletes and sports teams, addresses every aspect of this vital component of elite athletics. Included are in-depth discussions of all facets of vision accompanied by myriad exercises to help athletes hone and condition peripheral vision, acuity, speed of focus, eye- hand-body coordination, and more.
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