Page 153 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
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aPPliEd coNcEPts iN VisioN thERaPy 2.0 WRittEN By: lEoNaRd j. PREss, od, maRc B. tauB, od, ms, aNd PamEla h. schNEll, od
This book is a valuable resource that will enhance your practice!
Twenty years after the ground-breaking original comes the 2.0 version that will serve as a valuable resource that will enhance your practice!
Covers a comprehensive array of topics on vision therapy, all in one place. Written and edited by over 50 experts with extensive experience incorporating vision therapy concepts successfully into their practices. Incorporated are new chapters on Optometric Phototherapy, Primitive Reflexes, Special Needs, Multisensory Care, Collaborating with Other Professions, Technology, and Visual Disability-Related Issues.
This book offers a unique blend of behavioral optometric care and classical optometric theory. The clinical approach helps you learn how to apply theoretical and didactic concepts to practice.
PRESSVT4 $169.95
guidE to VisioN thERaPyTM
BCVT (english) $39.95
The complete problem solving guide to contemporary vision therapy. Book covers the full scope of current techniques and is an excellent reference/source manual for either beginner or experienced professionals or assistants. Features individual training techniques with take-home instruction sheets provided. New format is a 3 ring binder to make copies of instruction sheets for patients to take home.
thE VisioN thERaPist’s toolkit Book
by thomas headline, covt, irene Wahlmeier, covt and vicki bedes, covt
A comprehensive text and optometric vision therapist training manual to acquaint the vision therapist to the tools of the profession: patches, lenses, prisms, anaglyphic filters and polarization. Authored by three vision therapists, it contains chapters on Anatomy; Visual Hygiene; Activities and Procedures for Gross Motor Skills, Accommodative Skills, Binocular Vision Skills, and Visual Perception/Visualization Skills. Spiral Bound, 176 pages. Has also been translated into Spanish.
HDVTSS (sPanish) $47.95 HDVTS (english) $42.95
cliNical maNagEmENt of BiNoculaR VisioN 5th EditioN hEtERoPhoRic, accommodatiVE, aNd EyE moVEmENt disoRdERs
by: mitchel scheiman, od and bruce Wick, od
B0300 $109.95 Paperback: 760 pages
The first new edition of Clinical Management of Binocular Vision in five years has been updated—across all chapters—with new guidelines and protocols based on the latest research in the field. You’ll learn how to perform current, clinically accurate assessments, diagnoses, and therapies for a wide range of conditions. Each disorder is tackled in detail, touching on common symptoms, instrumentation, available treatment options, and more.
• New for this edition: 49 videos demonstrating proper diagnostic techniques and therapeutic procedures.
• Now with new information on concussion-related vision disorders.
• Enhanced guidelines for management of developing refractive error, including detailed description of preventative treatments for myopia. • Formatted for easy reading, with succinct and bulleted text, numerous figures and illustrations, and step-by-step instructions.
• True-to-life case studies help you apply what you’ve read in a real-world clinical setting.
• Ideal for faculty, students who are new to the field, and veteran optometrists who need a refresh or easily accessible quick-reference.
iNtRoductioN to BEhaVioRal oPtomEtRy By oEP
This series of paperback books are helpful additions to the professional library. Now offered individually by Bernell for non-members of OEP. each sell For $26.95 or 3 or more @ $23.99 each
intro to clinical oPtometry itco the Full scoPe oF retinoscoPy tfsoR
strabismus and amblyoPia saa vt: the Joy oF oPtometry Vtjoy develoPmental oPtometry dEVo oPtometric case analysis oca
oPtometric vision theraPy
Working With the brain-inJured
vision screenings
Pediatric oPtometry: a Pediatrician’s PersPective Pursuits & saccades: testing and training
oPVt WWtBi ViscR PoaPP Pstt
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