Page 154 - 2024 Catalog - Spring
P. 154

   a cLiNiciaN’s guide to BaLaNce aNd dizziNess: EValuatioN aNd tREatmENt
This book is an easy-to-use reference perfect for professionals who assess and treat balance impairments and dizziness. While it is an instructional text for physical therapy students and clinicians, it is also a great reference for established physicians, vestibular and balance therapy specialists, oc- cupational therapists, nurse practitio- ners, physician assistants, audiolo- gists, and athletic trainers.
CGBDET $79.95
   NEuRo-oPtomEtRic REhaBilitatioN By: William Padula, o.d.
   236 pages
NVPR $67.95
Explore Neuro-Visual Processing Rehabilitation to learn new ways to think about vision. This book delves into the visual processing relation- ships of child development, motor and sensory interactions, and pos- tural organization, led by vision, as the basis for understanding vision. The implications of understanding neuro-visual processing will change your thinking about vision as well as provide possibilities for helping mil- lions of children and adults who have a neurological condition.
 astRoNaut tRaiNiNg: a souNd activated vestiBuLar-visuaL ProtocoL for MoviNg, LookiNg & ListeNiNg By: Mary j. kawar, Ms, otr, & sheiLa M. frick, otr
As a therapist, you will find this practi- cal, spiral-bound handbook a valuable resource for expanding your treatment options. It presents clear, precise instructions and photographs of a ves- tibular-ocular protocol. It includes a companion CD that contains music and space sounds which support ocular control and provide energizing rhythms and inviting melodies to fully engage clients in the activities.
ATB $64.95
   VisioN REhaBilitatioN: multidisciPliNaRy caRE of thE PatiENt folloWiNg BRaiN iNjuRy
  By: PENEloPE s. sutER, od & lisa h. haRVEy, od
Providing the information required to understand, advocate for, and supply post-acute vision rehabilitative care fol- lowing brain injury, Vision Rehabilitation: Multidisciplinary Care of the Patient Following Brain Injury bridges the gap between theory and practice. It presents clinical information and scientific literature supporting the diagnostic and therapeutic strategies applied in a comprehensive overview of current diagnostic and treat- ment strategies in adult post-brain injury vision rehabilitation.
  lEaRNiNg to sEE = sEEiNg to lEaRN: VisioN, lEaRNiNg & BEhaVioR iN childREN
 By: dR. PatRick Quaid
Learning to See = Seeing to Learn: Vision, Learning & Behavior by Dr. Patrick Quaid et al, will unlock the connection between eyesight, educa- tion, and behaviors in children. How can you have 20/20 vision and not see well? Why are some very bright children unable to concentrate while reading and are unable to memorize what they see? This book will be especially interesting for teachers, educators, and parents with children who struggle to learn, are on an IEP, or who have been identified with ADD or ADHD.
151 Fax Orders to Save Time & Money at (574) 259-2102 or 2103 or Go To
uNdERstaNdiNg & maNagiNg VisioN dEficits: a guidE foR occuPatioNal thERaPists thiRd EditioN
This book is a unique collaboration from occupational therapists, optometrists, and low vision rehabilitation specialists. The Third Edition of Understanding and Managing Vision Deficits is the go-to resource that will enable occupational therapists to develop a comprehensive understanding of vision, appreciate the various effects vision problems can have on the practice of occupational therapy, and to more effectively man- age patients with vision disorders.
Hardback: 416 pages
    228 pages
LTSQBK $17.95
UMVDOT $79.95

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