Page 15 - Thunderbolt 5-29-15
P. 15
Thunderbolt NEWS 15May 29, 2015
This week in history
May 25, 2005: Polish air force visits Luke
Ten years ago this week, a con- UHODWLRQVEHWZHHQWKHFRXQWULHV LQ VPDOO QXPEHUV ZHUH PL[HG 22 months later, and PEACE Courtesy photo
tingent from the Polish air force were warming, they were not into the regular pilot classes. &$59,1 ,, EHJDQ WZR \HDUV
visited Luke Air Force Base after yet friends. after that. In 1996, the Taiwan An historic event occurred Oct.
3RODQGERXJKW))LJKWLQJ During the Cold War, many air force came to learn to fly 5, 1989, when Soviet Defense
Falcons. Throughout the years, various nations trained in Luke units. the F-16. In 2000, the program Minister Gen. Dmitry Yazov, left,
countries’ exchange pilots, main- On Aug. 23, 1957, the newly re- VKLIWHGWRFRQGXFWLQJSLORWSURÀ- DQGDJURXSRI6RYLHWRI¿FLDOV
7KHEDVHKDVDORQJKLVWRU\RI tenance and supply personnel ERUQ*HUPDQDLUIRUFHEHJDQMHW ciency training. Both countries visited Luke Air Force Base. The
welcoming and training inter- KDYHFRQWLQXHGWREHDFRPPRQ WUDLQLQJ7KH\OHDUQHGWRÁ\WKH DUHVWLOOÁ\LQJKHUH visit was part of a program to
national guests when the U.S. IHDWXUHDWWKHEDVH 5HSXEOLF ) 7KXQGHUMHW DQG foster contacts between military
developed an aircraft and sold from 1964 to 1983, the Lockheed The Lockheed F-35A Light- DQGGHIHQVHRI¿FLDOVIURPERWK
it to other countries. $OPRVW IURP WKH EHJLQQLQJ )6WDUÀJKWHU%HWZHHQ$SULO QLQJ ,, MRLQW VWULNH ÀJKWHU ZLOO nations. The visit was hosted by
Luke AFB has had a strong 30, 1964, and Sept. 1, 1989, at Wil- EULQJPRUHLQWHUQDWLRQDOJXHVWV Lt. Gen. Peter Kempf, right, 12th
0RUHWKDQFRXQWULHVÁ\WKH LQWHUQDWLRQDOÁDYRU%HIRUH+XE liams AFB, Arizona, many coun- But, this program is different. Air Force commander.
F-16. Internationals visit Luke =HPNH WRRN RYHU WKH JURXS KH WULHVOHDUQHGWRÁ\WKH1RUWKURS The eight partner nations each
AFB for many reasons, two of trained Russian pilots. During F-5A/B Freedom Fighter and later paid for F-35A research and
which are to take advantage World War II, several Polish F-5E/F Tiger II in units assigned development. That fact changes
of the exchange program or a $LU )RUFH SLORWV ÁHZ ZLWK WKH to Luke. On April 6, 1981, train- some of the procedures.
foreign military sales program. group, and Chinese air force LQJLQWKH)EURXJKWWZRPRUH
pilots learned to fly fighter countries to Luke. Additionally, other countries
national visitors over the years. 508 Chinese earned their wings 7KH ÀUVW FODVV RI 5HSXEOLF RI the Foreign Military Sales pro-
One of the more unusual visits Á\LQJWKH1RUWK$PHULFDQ$7 6LQJDSRUHDLUIRUFHVWXGHQWVEH- gram. In the future, some of those
was from the Soviet Defense Texan. Of those, 331 stayed here gan training on March 4, 1988, countries will train at Luke.
0LQLVWHU*HQ'PLWU\<D]RYZKR to upgrade to the Curtis P-40 at Luke in the PEACE CARVIN
arrived on Oct. 5, 1989, a month Warhawk. Other internationals, program. The program ended Courtesy of Rick Griset,
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