Page 23 - Thunderbolt 5-29-15
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Thunderbolt                                         SPORTS                                                                                    23May 29, 2015
                                                                                                                                     Sports Shorts
SFS defeats LRS in intramural softball
                                                                                                                                   Volleyball practice
   by Senior Airman
DEVANTE WILLIAMS                                                                                                                      For those interested in playing vol-
                                                                                                                                   OH\EDOO SUDFWLFH LV  SP 0RQGD\V
                 56th Fighter Wing Public Affairs  Kevin Barnes, 56th Security Forces Squadron, catches the ball during an intra-  and Wednesdays in the Luke Air Force
                                                   mural softball game May 14 against the 56th Logistics Readiness Squadron at     Base Bryant Fitness Center. For more
   The 56th Security Forces Squadron               Luke Air Force Base. SFS defeated LRS 15-9.                                     information, call Alexander Sigler at
VRIWEDOO WHDP GHIHDWHG WKH WK /RJLV-                                                                                        623-856-6896.
15-9 during intramural play May 14 at                                                                                              Youth karate classes
the Luke Air Force Base Bryant Fitness
&HQWHU VRIWEDOO ÀHOG 7KLV JDPH PDUNV                                                                                           Karate classes are 5 to 6 p.m. and 6
the season opener of the intramural                                                                                                WRSPIRU\RXWKSURJUDPPHPEHUV
VRIWEDOOVHDVRQ                                                                                                                  ages 6 to 16, Tuesdays and Thursday
                                                                                                                                   at the 56th Force Support Squadron
   7KH /56 WHDP RSHQHG WKH JDPH E\                                                                                          <RXWK&HQWHUJ\P7KHFRVWLVSHU
VFRULQJ WKUHH UXQV LQ WKH ÀUVW LQQLQJ                                                                                      youth for four classes a month and $60
6)6 UDOOLHG EDFN WR VFRUH WKUHH UXQV                                                                                       per youth for eight classes a month. For
EULQJLQJWKHVFRUHWRDWWKHHQGRIWKH                                                                                       more information, call 623-856-7470.
second inning. It seemed as though the
JDPHZRXOGEHDFORVHRQHEXW6)6ZDV                                                                                            Junior golf championship
on a mission to win and send a message
WRDQ\RQHORRNLQJWREULQJWKHPGRZQ                                                                                                7KHMXQLRUJROIFOXEFKDPSLRQVKLSLV
                                                                                                                                   to 10 a.m. June 12 at Falcon Dunes Golf
   The third inning was a strong inning                                                                                            Course. The cost is $20 per youth, ages 6
for SFS. LRS failed to make any runs,                                                                                              WRDQGLQFOXGHVJUHHQIHHUDQJHEDOOV
while SFS used LRS’s mistakes to their                                                                                             lunch and prizes. The format is 9-hole
DGYDQWDJHWRJRRQDUXQVSUHHWREULQJ                                                                                         LQGLYLGXDO VWURNH 5HJLVWHU E\ -XQH 
the score to 9-3. The top of the fourth in-                                                                                        For more information, call 623-535-9334.
ning was a game-changer for LRS. LRS
GRPLQDWHG WKH IRXUWK LQQLQJ E\ VFRULQJ                                                                                       Start Smart Tennis
6 runs to even the score 9-9. But, SFS
turned the tide once again to win it all                                                                                              Start Smart Tennis is 5 to 6 p.m.
DV WKH\ ZHQW RQ DQRWKHU UXQ ELQJH                                                                                         Tuesdays June 23 through July 28
ÀQLVKLQJ                                                                                                                    for children ages 4 to 6. Parents work
                                                                                                                                   one-on-one with their child. The cost is
   The SFS team hopes to gain more vic-                                                                                            $20 and includes a T-shirt. For more
WRULHV WKURXJKRXW WKH VHDVRQ DQG EULQJ                                                                                       information, call 623-856-7470.
the intramural championship trophy
EDFNWR6)6                                                                                                                      Silver Wings Pool

   “We played good defense and offense                                                                                                The Silver Wings Pool is open 6 a.m.
DQGLWVKRZHGRQWKHVFRUHERDUGWRQLJKWµ                                                                                         to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday,
said Kevin Barns, 56th SFS teammate.                                                                                               11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday and 11 a.m.
“For the next game, we’re going to stick                                                                                           to 7 p.m. Sunday. For more information,
with the fundamentals and make good                                                                                                call 623-856-7120.
plays. If we do that, then we’ll have mul-

of the

                  May 29 MLB     Airman 1st Class      Airman 1st Class                 Staff Sgt.              Master Sgt.                    Airman 1st Class
                                   Kevin Dawson         Nathan Mendoza                 Daniel Fox             Kristofor Tatro                  Nicholas Vincent
     &LQFLQQDWLYV&OHYHODQG                       56th Operations Group   56th Mission Support Group  56th Maintenance Group               56th Medical Group
      7H[DVYV1<<DQNHHV     56th Fighter Wing                                      &OHYHODQG
3KLODGHOSKLDYV:DVKLQJWRQ           &LQFLQQDWL            &OHYHODQG                 1<<DQNHHV                &OHYHODQG                         &LQFLQQDWL
     1<0HWVYV3LWWVEXUJK            7H[DV             1<<DQNHHV                 Washington               1<<DQNHHV                           7H[DV
                                     Washington            Washington                   1<0HWV               Washington
           Seattle vs. Toronto            1<                                                                                                     Washington
           Houston vs. Detroit                              Pittsburgh                    Seattle                Pittsburgh                         1<0HWV
        LA Angels vs. Boston            Seattle                                           Detroit
          %DOWLPRUHYV0LDPL           Detroit               Seattle                     Boston                   Seattle                            Seattle
                                        Boston               Houston                    %DOWLPRUH                  Houston                            Detroit
                  May 30 MLB            0LDPL                 Boston                                               Boston                             Boston
      7H[DVYV1<<DQNHHV                                 %DOWLPRUH                1<<DQNHHV                %DOWLPRUH                            0LDPL
                                    1<<DQNHHV                                          Seattle
           Seattle vs. Toronto          Seattle           1<<DQNHHV                                          1<<DQNHHV                      1<<DQNHHV
     &LQFLQQDWLYV&OHYHODQG                                 Seattle                   &LQFLQQDWL                 Seattle                            Seattle
3KLODGHOSKLDYV:DVKLQJWRQ           &LQFLQQDWL                                       Washington
     1<0HWVYV3LWWVEXUJK        Washington             &LQFLQQDWL                  1<0HWV                 &LQFLQQDWL                        &LQFLQQDWL
                                      1<0HWV            Washington                                           Washington                         Washington
      0LQQHVRWDYV&KLFDJR                                  1<0HWV                   &KLFDJR                  1<0HWV                         1<0HWV
        0LOZDXNHHYV$WODQWD          &KLFDJR              0LQQHVRWD                     Atlanta                0LQQHVRWD
     2DNODQGYV7DPSD%D\              Atlanta                                          2DNODQG                                                     &KLFDJR
   Last week’s percentage            7DPSD%D\                Atlanta                   SHUFHQW                 Atlanta                            Atlanta
   Year to date percentage            50 percent             2DNODQG                    SHUFHQW                 2DNODQG                           2DNODQG
                                      50 percent            50 percent          0RPPDZHPDGHLW             56 percent                         50 percent
                     Trash talk     ,
PWKHPDQ          55 percent                                           53 percent                         SHUFHQW
                                                       /HWPHSDWP\VHOI                              *RRGWKLQJWKLVLVRYHUZLQQLQJ  ³0\SLFNVDUHSUHFLRXV
                                                           on the back."                                  ZDVJHWWLQJDOLWWOHERULQJ
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