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Vol. 65 No. 20
                                                                                                                   May 22, 2015

99th SFS honors fallen wingmen during National Police Week

By Senior Airman Monet Villacorte                         as well (such as) a Warrior Challenge, where we will                                                                               U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Siuta B. Ika
                                                          have a bunch of obstacles and stations for people to
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs                         be challenged,” said Chief Master Sgt. Paul Schaaf,      Airmen assigned to the 99th Security Forces Squadron participate
                                                          99th SFS security forces manager. “It might appear       in a 10K memorial ruck march for National Police Week at Nellis
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev.—Every year                 to seem fun but it’s also to remember how hard we        Air Force Base, Nev., May 13. The march was one of many events
during the week of May 15, local law enforcement          train, and it gives others a chance to understand        held at Nellis AFB to honor the sacrifices of both military and
agencies and military police around the United            how hard it is to be a law enforcement officer.”         civilian law enforcement members.
States come together to remember the lives of
members who made the ultimate sacrifice.                     Not only did members of the 99th SFS par-
                                                          ticipate in events on base, but also off base as well,
   The 99th Security Forces Squadron at Nellis            linking up with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
Air Force Base, came together to remember fallen          Department to remember their fallen members.
security forces Airmen May 11 to 15.
                                                             “The 99th SFS participated in the torch run
   “(National Police Week is) an opportunity for          (covering) a four-mile portion of the route near
us to recognize those who have given their lives in       Creech (AFB),” said Ringer. “We received the baton
the line of duty and to let the base know that we         from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Depart-
will never forget their sacrifice,” said Lt. Col. Joseph  ment’s Narcotics Division and the DEA (U.S. Drug
Ringer, 99th SFS commander. “The fact that we             Enforcement Administration) and then handed it to
pause and recognize our fallen heroes reaffirms our       the Metro Gangs Unit four miles later. Earlier that
commitment to our chosen profession and enables           day, Chief Schaaf and I ran with Metro leadership
us to draw strength from otherwise tragic events.”        downtown and observed their memorial ceremony
                                                          for their fallen at the Police Memorial Park.”
   Nellis AFB participated in honoring the fallen
members by hosting a prayer breakfast and 10K                Schaaf explained that although the event brings
ruck march.
                                                                                       See SFS, on page 3
   “We have a few activities for the end of the month

Dispelling remotely piloted aircraft myths

By Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs    Myth: Because they are un-       long term.                                                                               U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Christian Clausen

  WASHINGTON—Public                           manned, RPAs are less safe than      Myth: There is no demand from   Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Mark A. Welsh III conducts an
interest in remotely piloted air-                                                combatant commanders for RPA      all-call with the men and women of the 432nd Wing/432nd Air
craft continues to grow thanks                manned aircraft                    capability                        Expeditionary Wing at Creech Air Force Base, Nev., March 24.
to increasing non-military                      Fact: For every RPA, there is a                                    During the all-call, Welsh thanked and highlighted the successes
uses and portrayal in popular                                                      Fact: Intelligence, surveil-    of the men and women of Creech AFB and the importance of the
culture. For the Air Force, re-               pilot with a crew in continuous    lance and reconnaissance (ISR)    intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance mission.
motely piloted aircraft are and               control of the aircraft, ensur-    missions continue to be the
will continue to be a vital mis-              ing not only operational preci-    number one most requested
sion set delivering vital airpow-             sion but complete ground and       capability of combatant com-
er to combatant commanders                    flying safety. Air Force RPAs      manders at multiple locations
throughout the world.                         have safety rates comparable       throughout the world. RPAs are
                                              to our manned aircraft. RPA        in demand and Air Force RPAs
  While the demands placed                    systems have been getting safer    operate on a 24/7 basis. Through
upon the Airmen charged with                  as aircraft and communication      December 2014, the Air Force
this mission are becoming bet-                technology and the institutional   has flown MQ-1B Predators
ter known, there are still myths              experience of operators mature.    and MQ-9 Reapers more than
strongly associated with this                 Historically, even during peri-    2,208,985 hours (RQ-4 Global
mission. Here’s some “fact and                ods when there was an imme-        Hawk/MQ-1 equals 1,661,887
fiction” about the very in-de-                diate requirement for extensive
mand world of RPA operations.                 RPA operations in demanding                  See RPA, on page 3
                                              operational environments, the
                                              mishap rate decreased over the

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