Page 6 - Bullseye 5-22-15
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6 May 22, 2015                                                          Feature                                                                                                                BULLSEYE

‘Dirt Boyz’: More than earth movers, shakers

By Airman 1st Class Jake Carter     and it happens to be moving         assigned to the 99th CES believe       When Dirt Boyz deploy, their                                                       While deployed, Santiago was
                                    earth most of the time, so we are   they are integral.                  mission stays the same.                                                            the NCOIC of airfield mainte-
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs   called Dirt Boyz,” said Tech. Sgt.                                                                                                                         nance, but he was involved in
                                    Jake Quinories, 99th CES heavy         “Stateside, we are all about        “When we deploy, our pri-                                                       other projects that helped coali-
   NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE,           equipment NCO in charge. Pret-      keeping up the base and run-        mary focus is the runways. We                                                      tion partners.
Nev.—The 99th Civil Engineer        ty much any heavy equipment         ways,” said Staff Sgt. Josiah San-  are incredibly proud of our con-
Squadron’s heavy equipment          you see on base, we operate.”       tiago, 99th CES heavy equipment     tribution to the flying mission,”                                                     “We did a lot of (repairs), the
operators, known as the “Dirt                                           journeyman.                         Santiago said.                                                                     runways were not in the best
Boyz,” provide heavy lifting to        The Dirt Boyz handiwork can                                                                                                                             shape because they had been
Nellis Air Force Base.              be seen throughout the base.                                                                         U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jake Carter  there for a long time,” Santiago
                                                                                                                                                                                               said. “We also did a lot of crane
   “Heavy equipment” is a blan-        “Some of our major accom-        Staff Sgt. Josiah Santiago, 99th Civil Engineer Squadron heavy                                                         lifts, where we would lift up
ket term used for the numerous      plishments you may see on a daily   equipment journeyman, calls in a forklift to lift and place a                                                          conexs that would go down to
types of construction machines      basis are the two round-a-bouts     boulder into position as part of a “Dirt Boyz” project at Nellis                                                       Afghanistan to help build them
in the Air Force: cranes, bulldoz-  on base. But some of our more       Air Force Base, Nev., May 19. Dirt Boyz are in charge of all heavy                                                     up, and we helped build up the
ers, front end loaders, backhoes,   recent work would be the new        equipment on base, which include dump trucks, forklifts, loaders,                                                      Royal Australian Air Force.”
graders, dredges, hoists, drills,   detour access road expansion        excavators, bulldozers, bobcats, graders and cranes.
pumps and compressors are just      near the horse stables behind                                                                                                                                 With the amount of support
some of the equipment used by       base housing, and the curb and                                                                                                                             the Dirt Boyz provide to the base,
the operators.                      gutter placed on Blytheville and                                                                                                                           the Airmen are proud of what
                                    Range Road,” Quinories said.                                                                                                                               they do.
   One of the Dirt Boyz missions    “We also give backhoe support
is to make sure runways are         to our fellow engineers for water                                                                                                                             “We do a lot, but we don’t
operational and safe for pilots     breaks and the occasional cranes                                                                                                                           do it for the recognition, we do
during take offs and landings.      support for CE or any personnel                                                                                                                            it because most of us love our
Additionally, they maintain         on the flight line needing crane                                                                                                                           job,” Santiago said. “It’s a point of
sidewalks, roads, signs, crane      support to swap out engines or                                                                                                                             pride to do it the best way. Every
support and anything related to     propellers on certain aircraft.”                                                                                                                           time we want to give 100 percent,
base construction.                                                                                                                                                                             and every Dirt Boy I have ever
                                       With Dirt Boyz having a hand                                                                                                                            met is always proud, and we have
   With the projects the Dirt       in the majority of construction                                                                                                                            pride all the way down.”
Boyz support on base, it’s not      projects on base, the approxi-
hard to imagine how they earned     mately 35 Airmen and civilians
their nickname.

   “We get dirty doing our job,

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