Page 11 - Bullseye 5-22-15
P. 11
BULLSEYE Sports 11May 22, 2015
GOLF, from page 10
be valuable for Walter McGee, a retired U.S. Marine every Thursday from 9 vto 11 a.m. until June 4.
U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Mikaley Towle Corps service member who is playing golf at Nellis AFB “They are already taking signups with Nancy De-
for the first time since 2001.
Walter McGee, retired U.S. Marine Corps member, Bello for a fall session later in 2015,” said Griffith. “This
celebrates after hitting the ball at the driving range “This is the first time I’ve ever used this golf cart. program is all funded through the PGA. As long as
on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., May 14. I tried it and it helps me out a lot,” said McGee. “I’ve they continue to fund this program, we’ll have it here.”
never hit the ball out that far with both my hands while
in my chair, but I could hit it further using only my left Individuals looking to get involved need to have a
hand while holding onto a walker. I love this cart.” doctor’s order from their primary care physician, said
Nancy DeBello, Department of Veterans Affairs certi-
Nellis AFB isn’t the only Air Force participant in this fied therapeutic recreation specialist.
program. MacDill AFB, Florida, Little Rock AFB, Ar-
kansas, Joint Base Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and Joint For those seeking more information about the PGA
Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, also host the program. of America Hope Program, call Steve Griffith at 702-
652-4497 or visit
The current golf session at Nellis AFB will be offered
Duane Poser, retired
U.S. Army battery
clerk, takes a swing
at a golf ball at the
driving range on
Nellis Air Force Base,
Nev., May 14, 2015.
With the assistance
of the Professional
Golfers’ Association
of America Hope
Program, this was
the first time Poser
has played golf in
approximately three
U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Mikaley Towle
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