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10 May 22, 2015 Sports BULLSEYE
Disabled veterans discover ‘Hope’ through golf program
By Airman 1st Class Mikaley Towle three years. It gives me a feeling that U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Mikaley Towle
maybe I can make it back.”
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Participants in the Professional Golfers’ Association of America Hope Program
Experiences like Poser’s are examples practice their swing at the driving range on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., May 14. The
NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev.— of how the program benefits its partici- PGA Hope Program is designed to help introduce or reintroduce disabled veterans
Losing a part of yourself, literally or pants. to golf and help them work around any physical limitations they might have.
figuratively, can be hard to imagine. Be-
ing confined to a wheelchair, not being “Disabled veterans benefit the most “We have the ability to use solo-rider in a standing position to make a swing.
able to get around without the use of a from this program because they are be- golf carts, which are handicapped-aided As long as a participant has mobility in
walker, or struggling with post-traumatic ing shown or taught that even with limi- carts,” said Griffith. “If an individual is their arms, they are able to come out and
stress disorder are harsh realities many tations they have, they’re able to come using a walker or confined to a wheel- swing the golf club.”
disabled veterans face every day. out and play a game of golf,” said Steve chair we can strap them to a golf cart
Griffith, 99th Force Support Squadron and it will motorize them and put them The solo-rider golf cart has proved to
Through the Professional Golfers’ As- Sunrise Vista Golf Course manager. “It
sociation of America Hope Program, dis- may not be a full 18-hole round, it could See GOLF, on page 11
abled veterans are able to regain a part of just be four holes on a par three or hitting
what they had lost. on the driving range.”
This program helps disabled veterans, Griffith went on to add it further ben-
such as retired U.S. Army battery clerk efits disabled veterans by getting them
Duane Poser, reclaim something missing some exercise that may be required for
from their lives. physical therapy, while also providing
a little camaraderie by meeting people
“I’ve been golfing for approximately 60 within the program.
to 65 years,” said Poser. “I used to play
five days a week. I would get off work at 1 “We want to get anybody out here we
p.m., and was on the golf course by 1:30.” can, even if it’s just hitting balls on the
range,” said Griffith. “Get them to come
The PGA of America Hope Program out and enjoy some fresh air, exercise,
is designed to help introduce or reintro- and have fun with their peers. Most of
duce disabled veterans to golf and help these guys just want to tell a story.”
them work around any physical limita-
tions they might have. The PGA of America Hope Program is
designed to help all levels of golfers, from
“It was a relief to get back out on the beginners to those who’ve been playing
golf course,” said Poser. “This is the first for years.
time I’ve really been out golfing in about
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