Page 9 - Bullseye 5-22-15
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BULLSEYE                                                        News                                                                  9May 22, 2015

Airmen prepare

for real-world


during ORE

Staff Sgt. Andrew Marjenhoff, (right) 99th
Civil Engineer Squadron, participates in
a simulated rapid deployment as part of
a Phase I Operational Readiness Exercise,
takes inventory of his deployment gear at
the 99th Logistics Readiness Squadron’s
deployment center at Nellis Air Force Base,
Nev., May 14. One objective of the exercise
was to test the 99th Logistics Readiness
Squadron’s ability to assemble supplies
and outfit Airmen in response to a rapid

                                                                                                                                      U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Joshua Kleinholz

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