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BULLSEYE Feature 5May 22, 2015
IEDs, UXOs no problem for EOD
By Airman 1st Class Jake Carter “First thing we do is figure pass.” U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jake Carter
out what’s wrong exactly,” Fuller Once the initial formal train-
99th Air Base Wing Public Affairs said. “Then (we) figure out how Senior Airman Kalin Fuller, 99th Civil Engineer Squadron
we can (accomplish) it and we do ing is in the rear-view mirror, explosive ordnance disposal journeyman looks out from
NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, whatever’s necessary.” Airmen continue their upgrade inside his bomb suit at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., May 13.
Nev.—Whenever an unexplod- training at their first duty assign- Before Airmen at EOD deploy, they will run through deployed
ed ordnance is found on base, With the training Nellis AFB ment to prepare them for what’s improvised explosive device scenarios, train on mine detectors
a perimeter is set and a safety EOD Airmen receive, it allows to come at deployed locations. and electronic countermeasures.
checklist is initiated. At the top them to also work alongside Las
of the list is to call the explosive Vegas bomb units. “We run through deployed might attach you to a route clear- encourage anyone who may be
ordnance disposal team to assess improvised explosive device ance package, which is basically interested in cross-training or
the situation and take care of the “Our main involvement with scenarios; we will train up on driving routes to take care of joining the Air Force to join the
job. (Las Vegas) Metro Police De- mine detectors, electronic coun- IEDs along the way. Or you can EOD career field.
partment Armor guys, the (Las termeasures, and a lot of ruck be attached directly to a unit
Airmen assigned to the 99th Vegas) Fire Department bomb marches to get them used to that where you are there for clearance “If you’re looking for a fast-
Civil Engineer Squadron EOD squad and the FBI is mostly for when they deploy,” said Tech. Sgt. support.” paced job with lots of room to
team have the training to stop military ordnance that’s found Patrick McGillivray, 99th CES grow and learn, EOD is defi-
any threat that could be posed downtown,” Fuller said. “We EOD technician. “We send them Equipment EOD personnel nitely a good one to choose,”
by an explosive. have the main jurisdiction for through two weeks of shooting use consists of the F6A robot, McGillivray said.
military munitions, but they can training before (deploying) so bomb suit, various explosive
Not limited to explosive haz- call us out to any sort of suspect they get time with weapons, and tools and aircraft tools to help “It’s a really rewarding ca-
ards, EOD Airmen also have ca- package if they want any of our then to (Camp) Cobra with their them accomplish their mission. reer, you get to go out and help
pabilities to stop other threats as advice or assistance.” actual team who they will deploy people. It’s a lot of fun and a
well. with to build team cohesion.” McGillivray and Fuller are great brotherhood amongst all
“The technical training school proud to be EOD Airmen and forces,” Fuller said.
“We take care of any and all ex- for all EOD Airmen is rough, While deployed, an EOD Air-
plosive hazards as well as chemi- grueling and the graduation rate man’s highest priority is counter-
cal and nuclear,” said Senior Air- is slim,” said Fuller. improvised explosive device op-
man Kalin Fuller, 99th CES EOD erations. A team can encounter
journeyman. “Anything that (has “My schooling was 10 months between 10 to 100 IEDs on a
the potential) to hurt someone down in Florida,” Fuller said. “It single deployment.
else, we can take care of it.” was long hours, working con-
stantly and some of the course “Our main priority is counter
When EOD is called, a stan- material tests were really hard to IED. So depending on the de-
dard procedure is followed. ployed location you are at, you
can be tasked on a quick reac-
tion force, which is waiting at a
location for a call to take care of
an IED,” McGillivray said. “They
Senior AirmanWylandWacaser,
99th Civil Engineer Squadron
explosive ordnance disposal
journeyman, operates the F6A
robot by lifting up an inert
unexploded ordnance on Nellis
Air Force Base, Nev., May 13.
While deployed, EOD Airmen’s
highest priority will be various
but will be still be counter IED
where they can encounter
between 10 to 100 IED’s on a
U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jake Carter U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jake Carter
Senior Airman Wyland Wacaser, 99th Civil Engineer Squadron Senior Airman Kalin Fuller,
explosive ordnance disposal journeyman, operates the F6A robot 99th Civil Engineer Squadron
by lifting up an inert unexploded ordnance on Nellis Air Force explosive ordnance disposal
Base, Nev., May 13. Equipment EOD Airmen use consists of the journeyman wears an EOD
F6A robot, bomb suit, and various explosive and aircraft tools bomb suit at Nellis Air Force
to help support their mission. Base, Nev., May 13. To ensure
the safest way for Airmen
to survive a hit from an
explosive in the bomb suit,
the protective equipment
is mostly in the front of the
suit to absorbed most of the
U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Jake Carter