Page 16 - Bullseye 5-22-15
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16 May 22, 2015                                                                                       Nellis Living                                                         BULLSEYE


  Every Monday:                                                        requiring access to Nellis Air Force Base for       If selected, the patient must be available any-  Area Spouses’ Club Scholarships are funded
  Ready, Set, Grow at the Youth Center 10 a.m.                         the sole purpose of medical treatment will          time at least weekly throughout the residency    from the proceeds of the Nellis Thrift Shop,
                                                                       be required to obtain a pass from the Visi-         year August 2015 through July 2016. Selectees    which is run by the Nellis Area Spouses’ Club.
  Every Wednesday:                                                     tor Control Center at the Main Gate prior to        will be called in mid July 2015 to set up their
  Grill Your Own Steak at The Club 5 p.m.                              every appointment. For more information             first appointment. If interested, call Senior      The Nellis Area Spouses’ Club is a non-
                                                                       and for any questions regarding base access         Airman Stefanie Stewart at 702-653-2623          profit organization whose mission is to orga-
  Every Thursday:                                                      requirements, call the Visitor’s Control Center     during normal business hours of 7:30 a.m.        nize and sponsor social and charitable activi-
  Walk-in GI Bill briefing 2 p.m.                                      at 702-652-0301.                                    to 4:30 p.m., or email   ties; whose goal is to provide information of
                                                                                                                           mil to be scheduled for a short consultation/    interest to its members and foster the ideals of
  Every Friday:                                                                                                            screening exam appointment. Note: No treat-      charity, community, and fellowship.
  Social hour at the Robin’s Roost 4 p.m.                                99th Dental Squadron Seeks Qualified              ment will rendered at this time. We will stop
                                                                       Patients: The 99th Dental Squadron at Nellis        screening patients by July 31, 2015.               We are pleased to announce the Scholar-
  SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE:  Any per-                                      Air Force Base is seeking patients in need of                                                        ship Award recipients for the 2015-2016
sons or person having claims for or against                            multiple dental procedures that include but                                                          school year:
the estate of Staff Sgt. Daniel R. Swaney, 66th                        not limited to; root canals, crowns, dentures,        Nellis Area Spouses’ Club is pleased to
Rescue Squadron, Nellis Air Force Base,                                fillings, gum disease and tooth extractions.        announce the Scholarship Award: A total of          
should contact Summary Court Officer                                   To qualify the patient must present a need          $30,000 was awarded! The Nellis Area Spous-        High School Seniors: Brian Lambert, Las
Maj (select) James Humphrey, james.hum-                                for two or more of these procedures. There          es’ Club sponsors academic achievement           Vegas Academy of the Arts—$3,000; Krista, or 702-652-4567.                                    are very limited screening appointments. Ap-        scholarships for military dependent graduat-     Thompson, The Meadows School—$2,000;
                                                                       plicants must be active duty, military retiree,     ing high school seniors, current military de-    Allison Jae Lenon, Advanced Technolo-
                                                                       military dependent or active duty dependent.        pendent undergraduate students and depen-        gies Academy—$2,000; Emma Saint-
  Veterans Affairs ID card will no longer                              Patients will be selected by the Advanced Ed-       dent military spouses who exhibit potential      Preux, Northwest Career & Technical
provide access to Nellis: Effective May 1,                             ucation in General Dentistry director based         and a desire to complete a program leading       Institute—$1,000; Megan Holmquist, Ne-
2015, non-DOD ID card holding veterans                                 upon what best fits the needs for the program.      to a college or vocational degree. The Nellis    vada State High School—$1,000; Han-

                                                                                                                                                                                 See HAPPENINGS, on page 18

Because of you, there is St. Jude.                                                                                                                    ASK ME ABOUT 4% GRANT PROGRAM TOWARDS CLOSING COSTS

St. Jude patient Izarah with her father, Chief Warrant Officer 3 Isaac  800-822-6344                    24/7 Coming Soon           Open 24/7
                                                                                  4339 E. Bonanza Rd.  6200 Smoke Ranch Rd.
                                                                                                      Phone: 702-459-5222  Phone: 702-242-3222
                                                                           A CFC Participant.
                                                                       Provided as a public service.

Warning Signs                                     FREE HEALTH FAIR WITH FREE WELLNESS CHECKS ON MAY 30TH, 2015 - 9:30 AM - 1:00 PMEND FOOT PAIN NOWEND FOOT PAIN NOW

Warning signs of T1D may                                                         Donate a pair of new children’s athletic shoes at the fair and be entered to win a flat screen TV!
occur suddenly and include:
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A CFC participant. Provided as a public service.
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