Page 18 - Bullseye 5-22-15
P. 18
18 May 22, 2015 Nellis Living BULLSEYE
HAPPENINGS, from page 16
nah Breazeale, Canyon Springs the achievements and contributions ical center from an appointment, 20 and Sept. 19 at Floyd Lamb Park the Centennial Hills YMCA, Tues-
visit the satellite pharmacy to have at Tule Springs, 9200 Tule Springs days at 11:00 a.m. Free childcare is
High School—$1,000; Kristen made by these Asian Americans the prescription filled. The satellite Rd. Las Vegas. provided for YMCA members. For
pharmacy drive-through will only more information, call 702-653-
Muller, Las Vegas Academy of and Pacific Islanders who helped be available for picking up new or 3880.
refilled prescriptions. Checking in Deployed Spouses Supporting De-
the Arts—$1,000; Pengxiang shape our great nation will help to or dropping off prescriptions must ployed Spouses: Stay strong during
be completed inside. The proce- deployments and meet with other Transition Assistance Program:
Tian, College of Southern Ne- inspire future generations to pro- dures for getting a refill will not deployed spouses. Share ideas, The Airman and Family Readiness
change. To have prescriptions filled, learn coping skills, socialize and Center has scheduled Transition
vada High School-East—$1,000; mote diversity and to stand proud call 702-652-5359. more. Meetings are held at the Air- Assistance Program Workshops for
man and Family Readiness Center 2015. The workshop is designed to
Kolby O’Malley-Dertien, Coro- of their heritage. The Asian-Pacific from 11 a.m. to noon the first and teach students how they can apply
Base Construction: Stafford Drive third Monday of each month. For their military-acquired skills in the
nado High School—$1,000; In- American Association will be host- will be undergoing construction more information, call 702-652- civilian sector and prepare them
which will be broken up into five 3327. for their next career. Classes are
dia Brown, Shadow Ridge High ing the following events this month phases. scheduled to be held from 8 a.m.
Third Phase: May 8-29 Workout Group: Workout with to 4 p.m.
School—$1,000; Brandon Eason, to promote Asian-Pacific American Fourth Phase: June 1-22 the AM-Extreme Group at the June 29-July 2 and July 13-16
Fifth Phase: June 23-July 14 Warrior Fitness Center. Classes
College of Southern Nevada High Heritage month, please come join For more information, call 702- include: Insanity and Ab Ripper— ParentSupportGroup: Share com-
652-0469. Mondays and Fridays in the Car- mon experiences unique to special
School-East—$1,000 us: dio Room from 5:15 to 6:20 a.m. needs families and learn about new
Blood Drive Dates: The following P90X—Tuesdays and Thursdays information and resources. We
Undergraduate Students: Holly May 15, 8 a.m. to noon: APAA dates will be located at Outdoor in the Cardio Room from 5:15 to meet the third Wednesday of every
Recreation with the exception of 6:20 a.m. YogaX—Wednesdays at month at the airman and family
Reeves, University of Nevada Las Sports Challenge held at Freedom two MDG drives: Racquetball Court three from 4:40 readiness center.
June 18 to 6:20 a.m. For more information,
Vegas—$3,000; Joshua Klim- Park and the Warrior Fitness Cen- July 24 contact Staff Sgt. Armelyn Braceros Nellis Company Grade Officer’s
Aug.19 (Medical Group blood at Council: The Nellis CGOC pro-
chak, University of Nevada Las ter. POC: Staff Sgt. Nicole Carrasco mobile) vides a source of social and profes-
Aug. 20 Resume Writing: The second sional development for all company
Vegas & College of Southern Ne- May 29, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Asian- Sept. 18 Thursday of each month, from 9 grade officers at Nellis. Volunteer
Nov. 13 to 11 a.m. at the Airman & Family and leadership opportunities are
vada—$2,000; Kayla Knock, Pacific Pacific American Heritage Luau at Dec. 10 Readiness Center. Topics include available as well as the chance to
Airman Leadership School networking, cover letters, an- network with other like-minded
University—$1,500 Freedom Park. POC is Staff Sgt. Yi (blood mobile) nouncements, resumes and mar- professionals at Nellis. Monthly
June 22 keting yourself. For more informa- meetings are held on the last Thurs-
Spouses: Colleen Crabtree, Zhang. Aug. 10 tion, call 702-652-3327. day of every month at Robin’s Roost
in The Club from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
ATP Flight School—$3,000; Tina Welcome to Las Vegas Open House: Love and Logic Parenting Series: For more information, call 702-
Discover Las Vegas and meet other Family Advocacy is hosting the 652-9623.
Parkes, University of Nevada Las Pharmacy services consolidated new families 10 a.m. to noon, June Love and Logic parenting series at
Vegas—$2,000; Adrienne Alma- to satellite pharmacy: The main
zan, Franklin University—$2,000; outpatient pharmacy at Mike
Camie Coombs, College of South- O’Callaghan Federal Medical Cen-
ern Nevada—$1,500 ter is undergoing reconstruction
and has moved operations to the
Asian-Pacific American Heritage satellite pharmacy. Construction
Month: It is important that we is expected to be completed in the
recognize May as Asian-Pacific spring of 2016. The new location,
American Heritage Month and to Bldg. 340, is located next to the In-
celebrate the unique cultural tra- formation, Tickets and Travel of-
ditions, ancestry, and experiences fice, and across the parking lot from
represented among more than the base theater. Patients who see a
56 ethnic groups—who speaking provider at the medical center and
more than 100 languages and dia- have prescriptions entered at their
lects—from Asia and the Pacific Is- appointment will still be able to
lands. The Asian-Pacific American check-in at the hospital pharmacy,
community has helped to develop but will need to pick up the com-
and strengthen our nation, and pleted prescriptions at the satellite
they have served to secure and pro- pharmacy. To have prescriptions
tect our freedom. Acknowledging filled that aren’t entered at the med-
Nellis AFB Exchange
Hours of Operation
Memorial Day: May 25 2015
Retail Food Services
Main Store Papa Johns Barber Shop Alterations
10 a.m.-6:30 p.m. 10 a.m.-11 p.m. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
MCS Burger King\Popeye’s Barber Shop (Creech) Game Stop
10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. DT 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Closed 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Dining Room 11-5 p.m.
Express\Class Six Beauty Shop Mobile Phone Center
9 a.m.-9 p.m. Anthony’s Pizza 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Creech Express\Subway Enterprise Car Rental Rug Gallery
9 a.m.-1 p.m. Taco Bell Closed 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
10:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Unattended Fueling 24/7 Flower Shop Firestone
Denny’s Express Closed 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
Hospital Express 8 a.m.-1 p.m.
Closed Optical Shop Nail Salon
Charleys’ 10 a.m.-5 p.m. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Landings Express 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m.
10 a.m.-6 p.m. 2SWLFLDQ2I¿FH Spa
Manchu Wok Closed 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Service Station Closed
Closed Watch Repair Laundry/Dry Clean-
Starbucks 10 a.m.-5 p.m. ers
Unattended Fueling 24/7 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
GNC Closed
Arby’s 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Hospital Barber
Cool Beans Coffee Closed