Page 11 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, September 2021
P. 11
10 September 2021 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News September 2021 11
recoGnition (from Page 2) nate Riley for the award, no one expected
her — a Reserve ammo troop — to win at
scope of responsibility. (She) has always had the headquarters Air Force level.
the whole Airman area squared away — “Airman of the Year is one of the most
constantly taking classes, volunteering, and prestigious honors anyone could receive in
taking on responsibility above her grade — their lifetime,” May said. “Though I did not
which I think set her up for success this year.” expect this to happen for our organization,
The running theme in Riley’s award I am honestly not surprised that it was
nomination was her ability to streamline Staff Sgt. Kristy Riley who was selected.
processes, train Airmen, and support other She is simply an amazing Airman, and
organizations, all while saving the Air Force a shining example of what every Airman Dave Noel, Agent
millions of dollars. Even while exceeding should model their service after. Once I Ride with the With competitive rates and personal
her leadership’s expectations in the work- received the news that she had won, it took 7255 E Golf Links, E. of Kolb/KFC
place, Riley also volunteered, completed col- a few moments to sink in, and then I felt service, it’s no wonder more drivers Tucson, AZ 85730 • Close to D-M
lege classes, and earned her CPR instructor an enormous swell of pride.” #1 car insurer trust State Farm®. Like a good State Farm Mutual
and National EMT Certifications. Riley is still surprised that she won Automobile Insurance Company
Riley ended up using both of her certifica- at that level but has no plans to let this neighbor, State Farm is there®. State Farm
tions while temporarily assigned at Nellis limelight deter her from her ultimate goals. in Arizona. Find us on Facebook Indemnity Company
Air Force Base, Nevada. “I didn’t join the military for recognition CALL FOR A QUOTE 24/7.
“We went to Lake Mead for a morale and honestly never thought anything like Ph. 520-747-7777 Bloomington, IL
event,” Riley said. There was a disturbance this would happen. So, it is pretty amazing
in the water that turned out to be a man to say the least,” Riley said. “To join origi-
drowning. We were able to bring him and Staff Sgt. Blake Gonzales nally as a way to serve, but also progress We have you covered for your breakfast and lunch needs every day of the year!
his cousin back to shore safely where I Staff Sgt. Kristy Riley, 924th Maintenance Squadron Munitions Flight combat plans in my personal goals, and then to earn
assisted the paramedic in getting informa- training supervisor, teaches proper CPR procedures July 23, at Davis-Monthan Air an award at the Air Force level is almost Join us for dine-in, take your meal to-go, or DoorDash it home.
tion from the man’s wife and helping with Force Base. Riley was named one of the Air Force’s 12 Outstanding Airmen of the unbelievable. This recognition as Airman
anything the medic needed. The ambulance Year and was recently nominated for the Air Force Sergeants Association’s Pitsen- of the Year for the Air Force is a humbling LUNCH SPECIALS 7.49 *
assigned to the lake was on another call, barger Award. experience, and I am honored to represent
so it took a little bit of time to get the man the 70,000 U.S. Air Force Reservists who Ask your server about today’s special
on his way to the hospital. It was a case attitude and humility,” said Chief Master many others. Staff Sgt. Riley is not only strive to defend our great nation. From *M-F only, not valid on holidays
of, right place at the right time, and I was Sgt. Henry May, 924th FG superintendent. driven in her own right, but pushes others here, I plan to finish my current enlistment
glad it ended well for him and his family.” “Riley gives her all every day. She has a to succeed as well. She has an infectious next fall and then pursue becoming a nurse Breakfast Specials*
Riley was happy to be there to help and pattern of consistent performance, which is positive attitude and constantly encour- in the military to continue to serve in the 15% off
use her life-saving training. Her actions evidenced by several previous award wins ages her fellow Airmen. She simply lives area I feel I have been called to do.” 1 egg, 2 bacon or 2 sausage links or a slice of ham, hash regular menu
further drove her leadership to have her such as the Pitsenbarger Award, three the Air Force core values and is genuinely Riley is currently a full-time student pur- browns, or home fries and wheat or white toast. 3.29 items with
represent their unit for the yearly awards. AFRC Outstanding Munitions/Missile committed to integrity, service and excel- suing her Bachelor of Science in Nursing Military ID
“Riley was selected to represent our or- Maintenance Awards, ACC Unit Effective- lence.” at Grand Canyon University, in Phoenix, $
ganization for three reasons: performance, ness Inspection Superior Performer, and Even though they were proud to nomi- Arizona. French toast, 1 egg and 2 bacon strips or sausage links 4.39
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