Page 9 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, September 2021
P. 9
8 September 2021 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News September 2021 9
Close-air support community remembers A-10 pioneer, Pierre Sprey
Combat Search and Rescue exercise
by 1st Lt. speak at an A-10 and Joint Ter- Comb at S ear ch and R escue ex er cise
LiLiA CALViLLo minal Attack Controller Weapons
School Graduation.
355th Wing Public Affairs
“I knew when we built the
Pierre Sprey, 83, a retired con- A-10 it would be a great plane
sultant at the Pentagon as well for close support,” said Sprey at
as a noted aircraft and weapons the graduation. “I never imagined
designer, passed away Aug. 5. the community and brotherhood
Sprey was remembered as a that would rally around this
fierce and generous founder in airplane dedicated to supporting
the A-10 community who helped the troops on the ground and the
Col. Avery Kay, the “father of the CAS mission.”
A-10,” build the first airframe For the A-10 community, the
specifically designed to provide brotherhood they share while in
close-air support to troops on the support of these missions is one
ground. that is forged through a continu-
Sprey’s lasting impression is ous legacy of tenacity.
one that is recognized by those Lt. Col. Robert Hetland, 924th
flying the aircraft he designed, Fighter Group Deputy Command-
including Lt. Col. Joel Bier, 357th er, met Sprey when he visited the
Fighter Squadron commander. 47th Fighter Squadron in July.
“His uncompromising charac- “He was a man who chose to
ter will forever be reflected in do rather than to be. What he
the A-10 community he played a did was dedicate his incredible
central role in establishing. He talents to making America bet-
set out to design a purpose-built ter,” said Hetland. “As decades
aircraft, and in the process, cre- of Soldiers and Airmen fighting
ated a community of experts that America’s battles will attest, he
remains the vanguard of the CAS succeeded and continues to suc-
and combat search and rescue ceed.”
missions,” said Bier. Sprey’s contributions to the Courtesy Photo Courtesy Photo
Lt. Col. Leif Nordhagen, 355th A-10 community were instrumen- Pierre Sprey, retired Pentagon consultant and aircraft and weapons designer, gives a briefing July Pararescuemen from the 48th Rescue Squadron work alongside partner services and allied forces to improve their combat rescue capabilities during Red Flag Rescue 21-
Wing Agile Combat Employment tal in paving the way for genera- 23, at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. Sprey, a fierce and generous founder of the A-10 community, 02, Aug. 17, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. Red Flag Rescue is the DOD’s premier combat search and rescue exercise and provides service members the opportunity to
director, recalled hearing Sprey tions to come. passed away recently. enhance their training in emergency medical treatment, extraction methods and more.
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