Page 4 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, September 2021
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4 September 2021 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News September 2021 5
Leaders briefed on new Air Force religious accommodation instruction Davis-Monthan teams up with the Tohono O’odham Nation
Story and photo by 563rd Operations Support Squadron
Airman 1st Class commander. “Navigating through the
VAuGhN weBeR religious accommodation process can be
complex and by having this new RRT,
355th Wing Public Affairs
we can get resolution on our Airmen’s
A meeting was hosted by the 355th questions and requests faster with the
Wing Chaplain Corps July 30, to update various agencies all together.”
senior leaders about best practices in The RRT works with unit command-
supporting their Airmen and providing ers and includes a representative from
them with the resources to seek reli- the Chaplain Corps, Judge Advocate
gious accommodation. Information for Generals, Public Affairs Office, and
the meeting was acquired from the new sometimes a medical provider, along
Air Force Instruction 52-201, Religious with a few other helping agencies de-
Freedom in the Department of the Air pending on the case. They are involved
Force. with the process to help make a decision
“Our chapel team is trying to ensure based on the Airman’s request and make
senior leaders understand this AFI so sure the Airman’s religious needs are
they can utilize it and support our Air- being met.
men in the best way possible,” said Maj. “This is a brand new instruction that
Jason Gunnels, 355th Wing chaplain. “It did not previously exist, and there is a
also allows senior leaders to be more in- learning curve associated with it,” Gun-
volved with the process of getting a reli- nels said. “The implementation of the
gious accommodation for their Airmen.” RRT aims to help adjust this learning
This process ensures a new way to curve and provide guidance to leaders
protect the Airmen’s religious needs. on how they can help.”
This involves the Religious Resolution The goal of the RRT is to provide se-
Team looking through the Airmen’s nior leadership with another tool when
request and discussing resolutions on it comes to helping their Airmen with Photos by Senior Airman Alex M. Miller, 355th Wing Public Affairs
religious accommodation at the local- religious accommodation. Civil servants from the 355th Civil Engineer Squadron and members from the Tohono
level with the unit commander. This is just one of the ways the Air O’odham Nation pose for a picture after loading 55-gallon drums June 30 at Davis-Monthan
“It’s helpful for a commander to have Force and D-M are creating a culture of Air Force Base. Over 50 unused drums are being repurposed to create water troughs for
a whole team dedicated to providing inclusion, and thus developing resilient Base, squadron and group commanders, along with other members, attend an informa- the Tohono O’odham Nation’s livestock during this year’s severe drought through a part- Members of the Tohono O’odham Nation load 55-gallon drums into a
information and options to help Air- and capable Airmen ready to perform tional breakfast hosted by the chapel at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, July 30. The pur- nership with Davis-Monthan. truck June 30, at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base.
men,” said Lt. Col. John Frederick, the rescue and attack mission. pose of this breakfast was to inform commanders about the new changes in AFI 52-201.
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