Page 3 - Desert Lightning News So. AZ Edition, September 2021
P. 3
2 September 2021 Desert Lightning News Desert Lightning News September 2021 3
Local Reserve Citizen Airman receives national Commissary shoppers at D-M can order online, pickup curbside
recognition as ‘Outstanding Airman of the Year’ AeRoTeCh STAFF tomers park in designated parking spaces patrons near and far can plan, order and • Featured sales and promotions
• Upgraded mobile-friendly experience,
pay for their purchases on-line and simply
where commissary workers bring their
and wiRe RepoRTS groceries. swing by the store to get them at an ap- to include seeing order history for ease in
The Defense Commissary Agency an-
re-ordering desired products
pointed time.
nounced June 1 that the online ordering/ As part of the rollout, commissary of- • Online payment
by Tech. Sgt. Commissary Click2Go shopping became curbside pickup service would be rolled out ficials have also said that, for the first 30 “We’re out to establish a strong eCom-
CouRTNeY RiChARDSoN available to shoppers at the Davis-Monthan to all stateside commissaries by year end, days, they will waive the $4.95 service fee merce presence in keeping with DeCA’s
Air Force Base commissary Aug. 23. and DeCA is well on its way to meeting that is typically applied to each order. strategic goals to make the commissary
944th Fighter Wing
The service allows customers to use a that goal. New features recently incorporated into benefit accessible to as many patrons as
Airmen work hard day in and day out to computer or mobile device to make their “Commissary CLICK2GO builds on the CLICK2GO include: possible,” Moore said.
complete the tasks they are given. Some go orders online where they select from com- vital benefit we deliver exclusively for our • Improved navigation and search func- Information on how the service works and
above and beyond the call of duty and are missary products based on the store’s stock military community and their families – we tions to help customers plan healthy meals the rollout status is found on commissaries.
highlighted for their efforts. assortment. After products are selected, the deliver the savings and now we’ve made and take care of their family’s needs com with dedicated sections such as “How
Reserve Citizen Airman Staff Sgt. Kristy shopper selects a pickup time and pays for it easier and more convenient,” said Bill • Enhanced product information Commissary CLICK2GO Works.” First-time
L. Riley, 924th Maintenance Squadron their order. At their appointed time, cus- Moore, DeCA’s director and CEO. “Now • Robust recipe features customers need to create an account.
Munitions Flight combat plans training
supervisor, from Davis-Monthan Air Force
Base, was recognized at Air Force Reserve
Command Headquarters level as their Air- — How CLICK2GO works —
man of the Year, moving on to be selected as
one of the Department of the Air Force’s “12
Outstanding Airmen of the Year.”
“Munitions is an integral part of the Air Frequently Asked Questions curbside pickup. For example, an order submitted desired item to your basket.
Force mission,” Riley said. “The pilots need at 5 a.m. can be picked up the same day as early • Please add your Rewards Card number in the
their bombs, missiles and gun ammunition 1. How do i find my Military DoD iD number? as 11 a.m. notes section.
to be able to carry out their orders. Those • Please visit • Orders placed after 11 a.m. will default to the
defending the base need their ammo for CLICK2GO-Military-ID and follow the step-by- next available pickup time the following day. 15. How do i return an item?
their firearms, and so on.” step instructions. • Per our return policy, returns must be handled
Riley, originally from Escondido, Califor- 9. What happens if i am going to be late? inside the commissary at customer service.
nia, joined the Air Force Reserve to help 2. How do i place a commissary cLicK2Go or- • If you are running late or will be unable to pick 16. can i use my personal reusable bags?
finish paying for her nursing degree and der? up your order altogether, contact your CLICK2GO • Yes. If you would like us to use paper or reusable
accepted the first job the recruiter offered • Access CLICK2GO from your computer/mobile commissary via email or phone. That information bags rather than plastic please let us know by
that lined up with her date of availability. device by logging into your shop.commissaries is located on your confirmation email. The store adding comments to your order.
“I did choose (this career field) but neither account. If you don’t already have an account you will accommodate your schedule. Helpful Hints
I, nor my recruiter, knew what it was. That can register on the login page. 10. Should i tip the person handling my order • If you encounter website performance issues
did not bother me, because I knew it would Staff Sgt. Blake Gonzales • Choose your preferred commissary location. when i pick up my groceries? please switch to a different browser to improve
not be the same as nursing,” Riley said. “The Staff Sgt. Kristy Riley, 924th Maintenance Squadron Munitions Flight combat plans training supervisor, poses for a photo July • Search for products by name or select the depart- • No, Commissary CLICK2GO employees are not your Commissary CLICK2GO experience.
(basic training and technical) school dates 23, at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. Riley was recently congratulated by Lt. Gen. Richard W. Scobee, chief of the Air Force Re- ment and category links to browse our virtual allowed to accept tips. Supporting browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox and
just lined up perfectly.” serve and commander of Air Force Reserve Command, for becoming one of the Air Force’s 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year. aisles. Safari.
• When you’re ready, choose your pickup time and 11. How do i cancel my commissary cLicK2Go
From the moment Riley arrived at the complete checkout. order?
924th FG, she hit the ground running, and 3. What should i bring to pick up my order? • You can cancel an order up to 4.5 hours prior to
your reserved pickup time.
her leadership immediately took notice. • Your military ID or authorized agent card is • Log into shop.commissaries account.
“She outworks all her peers and has con- required. • Select “My Account” then select “My Orders.”
tinuously done so since joining our team five • Confirmation email. • Select the order you want to cancel then scroll
years ago,” said Senior Master Sgt. James
down and click “Cancel Order.”
Pumarejo, 924th Maintenance Squadron 4. Do i pay for my order online or at the time of • Select “Yes” to continue.
munition flight chief. pickup?
Pumarejo explained that Riley is a great • Payment is collected online. Your total payment 12. How do i add notes to my order? Staff
wingman and does her job without the need may be slightly different (either higher or lower) • To input notes for specific substitution requests Publisher ..........................................................................Paul Kinison
for recognition. than your estimated total shown online due to or to add additional comments please select the Business manager ...........................................................Lisa Kinison
“She is ambitious to reach her full po- random weight items such as produce and meat. grocery cart in the top right corner of the screen. Editor ..............................................................................Jenna Bigham
tential, however, she is not willing to do it Additionally, DeCA’s pricing policy, similar to that • Scroll down and select “View Full List.” Advertising representative ............................................Sandi Bueltel
at the expense of another,” Pumarejo said. of retail grocery chains providing this service, is • From the drop-down arrow, select your Designer .............................................................................Tinna Sellie
“She wants to see her teammates succeed to charge you the item price in effect on the day substitution preference and provide any
every bit as much as herself. She is a great and time of pickup. additional instructions in the “Add Notes” section. Published by Aerotech News and Review, Inc.
team player and takes pride in the quantity 5. What forms of payment do you accept? 13. How does commissary cLicK2Go 877- 247-9288 •
and quality of work she does. She is brutally • Debit, Visa, MasterCard, American Express and substitute out of stock items? Aerotech News and Review prepares all editorial content for Desert Lightning News. The
honest and will tell you exactly what she Discover. • You are able to make substitutions for all items or editor will edit or rewrite submitted material for clarity, brevity or to conform to the As-
thinks, which, in my opinion, brings stron- • We do NOT accept cash, check, EBT/WIC vouch- individual items in your order. You are also able sociated Press Style Guide, local policy and Air Force style as required by Air Force Instruc-
ger trust to the team. She is about getting to make specific substitution requests by adding tion 35-101. Contributions for Desert Lightning News can be emailed to the editor at jenna@
stuff done and finding the most efficient ers. notes to your order. Submission deadlines are the 15th day prior to the month of publica-
way to get it done. In our TFI (Total Force 6. Will i be charged a service fee when using • We will substitute a like item in the closest size tion. Submissions will be based on space available and priority. Desert Lightning News uses
Integration) environment, I’ve had active- commissary cLicK2Go? and price of the actual item ordered. information from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base website, the Armed Forces Information
duty sections superintendents fighting to • No, the $4.95 service fee has been waived until • If you do not approve of the substituted item it Service, Air Force News Service, Air Combat Command, staff writers and other sources. All
advertising is handled by Aerotech News and Review. For business advertising, call 877-247-
have her in their shop — she’s that good.” further notice. can be deleted from your order at curbside. 9288 or email Sandi Bueltel at For classified advertising, email
Her character traits have not wavered • There is no minimum order size or minimum • Most items sold in the commissary are available
from the first day she started in the unit dollar amount required. on CLICK2GO. If you know an item is sold in the Desert Lightning News is published by Aerotech News and Review, a private firm in
and have always put her in her leadership’s 7. What are commissary cLicK2Go’s operating store, but cannot find it on the website, ask for it no way connected with the U.S. Air Force, under written agreement with the 355th
line of sight. hours? in the comments box. And if that item is available Fighter Wing. Contents of Desert Lightning News are not necessarily the official views
“Believe it or not, Riley was a candidate for • Mondays – Fridays, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. (Dates and we will add it to you order. of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense or the Department
Wing Annuals (Awards) three times in the hours may vary by location.) of the Air Force. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or
five years she’s been on our team,” Pumarejo • Orders can be placed 24 hours a day, up to six 14. Does commissary cLicK2Go accept supplements, does not constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by
said. “This just goes to show she’s always been days in advance of the desired pickup date. coupons? the DLN, DOD, Air Force or Aerotech News and Review. Everything advertised in this
consistent with her work ethic and drive. • Yes, digital coupons on the DeCA Rewards Card. publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race,
Staff Sgt. Blake Gonzales Each year she would get a little bit larger 8. How soon can i pick up my order? Paper coupons are not accepted at this time. color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affilia-
Staff Sgt. Kristy Riley, 924th Maintenance Squadron Munitions Flight combat plans training supervisor, poses for a photo July • There is a minimum six hour lead-time from • For Rewards Card coupons to be applied to your tion or any other non-merit factor of the purchase, user or patron.
23, at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. See recoGnition, Page 10 the time the order is submitted to the time of order please clip the coupon before you add that