Page 1 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, October 2, 2020
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vol. 4, no. 22                   Serving Southern Nevada’s military community, including Nellis, Creech and NTTR       october 2, 2020

                             An Aerotech news And review publicAtion •
          NTTR: Training our way to victory

          by Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young
          Nellis AFB, Nev.
            The familiar cry of “fight’s on” echoes
          over the radio and the battle ensues.
            Blue Forces take to the sky with their
          key objectives and plans B, C, and D on
          hand, because in battle, nothing ever
          goes as planned. Red Forces follow,
          equally skilled and trained with nothing
          but bad intentions for Blue Forces.                                                                                                  Air Force photograph by
            Their mission: attack on all platforms,                                                                                       Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young
          trying to steal, sabotage and destroy the                                                                                 A crest of the Nevada Test and
          mission. Their location; the Nevada Test                                                                                  Training Range is displayed
          and Training Range, home to the U.S.                                                                                      in a hallway at the NTTR
                                                                                                   Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Bryan Guthrie
          Air Force’s premier exercises and train-  An F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jet assigned to the 17th Weapons Squadron flies over the Nevada Test   headquarters building at
          ing operations.                      and Training Range, Nev., May 15, 2019. The NTTR supports the Department of Defense’s advanced   Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.,
            This is an example of a typical exercise   composite force training, tactics development, and electronic combat testing as well as DOD and   Sept. 23, 2020. The NTTR
          that takes place at the NTTR and encap-  Department of Energy testing, research and development.                          provides warfighters a
          sulates the impact they have on military                                                                                  flexible, realistic and multi-
          operations.                                                                                                               dimensional battlespace
            Red Flag, an air-to-air combat exer-                                                                                    to conduct testing tactics
          cise for pilots, and Green Flag, a ground                                                                                 development, and advanced
          combat training exercise, are two of the                                                                                  training in support of U.S.
          largest training operations in the De-                                                                                    national interests.
          partment of Defense. The NTTR enables
          training opportunities like these, while                                                                                  Tech. Sgt. Dennis Back, tactical
          also providing a practice home to the                                                                                     air control NCO in charge at
          U.S. Air Force Aerial Demonstration                                                                                       the 24th Tactical Air Support
          team and daily flying operations for                                                                                      Squadron looks out at the
          squadrons based at Nellis.                                                                                                Nevada Test and Training
            “Our ability to provide the full-spec-                                                                                  Range at Nellis Air Force Base,
          trum of battle to exercise participants                                                                                   Nev., Oct. 24, 2019. The NTTR
          and other users makes the NTTR one of                                                                                     is the largest contiguous air
          the most ideal locations to develop and                                                                                   and ground space available for
          grow military pilots,” said Larry “Slider”                                                                                peacetime military operations
          Prince, chief of the projects branch at the                                                                               in the free world. The range
          NTTR. “These training operations are                                                                                      occupies 2.9 million acres of
          not only vital to those who participate                                                                                   land, 5,000 square miles of
          in them, but necessary for the overall                                                                                    airspace which is restricted
          success of the Air Force’s warfighting                                                                                    from civilian air traffic over-
          mission.”                                                                                                                 flight and another 7,000 square
          										   See nttr, on Page 12                                                     Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Dwane R. Young  miles of military operating area.

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