Page 6 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, October 2, 2020
P. 6

6   October 2, 2020                                       veterans’ news                                       Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                                                                                 October 2, 2020    7                                                                                                                                                      

   VA improves access increasing telehealth visits

   by John Archiquette                 ficer for expanding telehealth access
   AV Southern Nevada Healthcare       due to COVID-19. “What we discovered
                                       was that we were not only able to offer
     The VA Southern Nevada Healthcare  most of our services via video, but that
   System has completed 47,438 video  it was also a more convenient modality
   telehealth appointments with veterans  of care for some patients. Addition-
   in their homes to date in 2020.     ally, by supplementing most traditional
     This represents an increase in video  face-to-face mental health care with
   telehealth appointments of more than  video appointments, we have essentially
   3,500 percent since Jan. 1.         expanded access to care. Video mental
     Video telehealth allows veterans  health care will forever remain a very
   and their caregivers to meet virtually  viable option for most forms of mental
   with their VA care teams on any com-  health care.”
   puter, tablet, or mobile device with an   All primary care and mental health
   internet or data service connection.  professionals at VA Southern Nevada
   As in-person interactions decreased in  Healthcare System can provide video
   response to the coronavirus pandemic,  telehealth care to veterans in their
   video telehealth has supported veterans’  homes or other locations of their choice.
   abilities to continue care and remain  In addition, almost 60 percent of all
   safe at home.                       specialty professionals are currently ca-
     “When we contemplated using VA  pable of providing video telehealth visits
   Video Connect in a more robust capac-  with more staff being trained daily.
   ity many of our staff members expressed   More than 14,500 individual veter-
   concern that we could not offer all of  ans served by the VA Southern Nevada
   the services that we offered via a face  Healthcare System have completed
   to face format,” said Timothy Jobin,  video telehealth visits. VA staff provide
   associate chief of staff for Behavioral  equipment training and support to as-                                                            VA photograph
   Health and VASNHS’ lead project of-  sist Veterans.                      A telehealth provider meets with veteran for a video appointment.

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