Page 4 - Desert Lightning News, Nellis-Creech AFB Edition, October 2, 2020
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4   October 2, 2020                                                 news                                       Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                   Desert lightning news s. nevaDa                                      news                                                       October 2, 2020    5                                                                                                                                                      

   One system, one fight                                                                                                                                            Changes continue for mOmmC

   by 2nd. Lt. Nicolle Mathison         nology Application (ALTA). Once patients
   Nellis AFB, Nev.                     are admitted, their practitioners will have                                                                                 by Capt. Johnathan Anspach                                                                          clude the Multiple Services Unit, Critical Care Unit, Labor
                                        access to the same medical files no matter                                                                                  Nellis AFB, Nev.                                                                                    and Delivery and other specialty clinics.
     The 99th Medical Group at Nellis Air  when or where they’ve been admitted.                                                                                                                                                                                            Following the completion of the renovations in late 2023,
   Force Base, Nev., launched a new electronic   “Instead of having to contact all of the                                                                              The Defense Health Agency has approved construction                                              MOMMC will have expanded bed capacity from 50 to 100
   healthcare record system known as Medi-  clinics I’ve ever been seen at to collect all of                                                                        projects designed to modify and modernize the Mike                                                  beds, which will allow the facility to handle a higher volume
   cal Health System GENESIS on Sept. 26.  my medical records, this new system will                                                                                 O’Callaghan Military Medical Center’s existing facility                                             of critical care and trauma patients.
     MHS GENESIS provides enhanced  already have it all in one database. That’s                                                                                     infrastructure in support of a major initiative to attain                                              With additional capabilities being added within the
   secure technology to manage beneficiaries’  easy accessibility both for the patients and                                                                         trauma center accreditation.                                                                        walls of MOMMC, some of the primary care services are
   health information.                  the doctors,” said Retired Lt. Col. Jeffery                                                                                    These projects are essential since the 2017 Nation De-                                           moving to a Community Based Outpatient Clinic. The
     The system integrates inpatient and  Mathison.                                                                                                                 fense Authorization Act identified the hospital as one of                                           specific location for the CBOC is under review and once
   outpatient solutions and streamlines    MHS GENESIS provides medical prac-                                                                                       four pilot sites to receive trauma accreditation. MOMMC                                             it is open, it will provide Internal Medicine, Pediatrics,
   medical and dental information across  titioners a faster and more efficient way of                                                                              will begin to evaluate and treat civilian, non-DOD patients                                         Family Health, Women’s Health and ancillary services.
   the continuum of care into one system.  sharing medical outcomes and data with                                                                                   at military medical treatment facilities, in an effort to                                           The expected CBOC completion is late 2023.
   When fully employed, MHS GENESIS  other healthcare systems and the patient                                                                                       increase access to critical care in military communities                                               In addition to the construction projects at MOMMC
   will provide a single health record for  themselves. Additionally, patients and                                    Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Bryan Guthrie  and provide training platforms to support ready medics.  Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Bryan Guthrie and Nellis AFB, Creech AFB has started a military con-
   service members, veterans, retirees and  healthcare companies, like Tri-Care, will   Airman 1st Class Amir Brooks, pharmacist technician assigned to the 99th Medical Support   Recently, MOMMC has become home to a number of   Staff Sgt. Kayla Lee, medical technician assigned to the  struction project to build and update the medical facilities
   their families.                      be able to directly pay medical bills via   Squadron, hands an Airman a mask at the Satellite Pharmacy on Nellis Air Force Base,   temporary phasing facilities, which are a key aspect of the   99th Surgical Operations Squadron, takes down a patient’s  located there. The scope of the project will span multiple
     “My father’s generation along with  GENESIS.                             Nev., March 20, 2020. Both the Main and Satellite Pharmacies on Nellis AFB continue to   facility construction projects, providing swing space for   information at the Mike O’Callaghan Military Medical Center  sections to include Dental, Optometry, Physical Therapy,

   everyone that wears a uniform will have   “It’s going to have a lot of integrated ca-  provide support to beneficiaries.                                         the expansion of capabilities and bed capacity.    on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., March 20, 2020. In support of  Speech and Audiology, Bioenvironmental Engineering,
   the same electronic medical record and  pabilities to it, so that you will have more                                                                                While the facility began seeing civilian critical care   a major initiative to attain trauma center accreditation, the  Immunizations and Behavioral Health with a projected
   everything will be continuous,” said Col.  facile or more efficient access to ordering   Patients who have utilized services at  Therefore, patients are advised to activate   patients on Aug. 1, 2020, there are still a number of areas   Defense Health Agency has approved construction projects  construction completion date by mid-2023.
   Bryan White, 99th Medical Group chief  medications, reviewing labs, reviewing   the MOMMC within the last 12 months  required prescriptions before MHS-          that require upgrades before it can meet the end goal of   designed to modify and modernize MOMMC’s existing   Upon construction completion and trauma accredita-
   medical informatics officer. Everything  old records, viewing x-rays and the new   will be automatically enrolled in GEN-  GENESIS is activated.                 becoming a certified trauma center.               facility infrastructure.                          tion, MOMMC will be equipped and staffed around-the-
   will be synchronous. Everything will be  EMR [electronic medical record],” said  ESIS. All services to patients and practitio-  For more information about MHS      The first phase of construction entails renovating and                                           clock to provide care for patients who suffer from traumatic
   one and that’s what this is all about.”  White.                            ners across the armed forces are expected  GENESIS, please visit  adding space to the Emergency Department, which upon  tion during this time, and are expected to be complete in  injuries such as gunshot wounds, falls or car accidents.
     As a paperless form of record keeping,   The goal is to increase the interface  to be fully functional by 2023.  mil/Military-Health-Topics/Technol-           completion in November of 2021, will have expanded  March of 2022.                                  MOMMC will also be able to expand health care services
   MHS GENESIS differs from the older  mechanism or back and forth information   The changeover may cause delays in  ogy/Military-Electronic-Health-Record/         services to include two trauma bays. The laboratory and   The next construction project is slated to begin in early  to DOD beneficiaries, the local community, and increase
   Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Tech-  flow, White explained.             prescription activation and wait times.  MHS-GENESIS                                  dining hall will also undergo renovation and moderniza-  2021 and will encompass many of the inpatient units to in-  the readiness opportunities for its medical staff.

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