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Volume 63, Number 33                              Serving the community of Edwards Air Force Base, California                                    February 26, 2016


TW annual awards showcases top performers

  The 412th Test Wing hosted its annual awards banquet at Club Muroc
Feb. 18 where accolades and hardware were handed out to the wing’s top
performing individuals and one team.

  Congratulations to all awardees for setting the standard in their respec-
tive categories!

  Airman of the Year — Senior Airman Raquel R. Caramanno, 412th                                                                                                                                                                                          Air Force photograph by Ethan Wagner
Medical Group
                                                                                 Left to right: Brig. Gen. Carl Schaefer, 412th Test Wing commander, presents the 2015 Airman of the Year award
  NCO of the Year — Staff Sgt. Michael J. Burd, 412th Mission Support            to Senior Airman Raquel R. Caramanno, 412th Medical Group, along with Chief Master Sgt. David Smith, 412th
Group                                                                            7:FRPPDQGFKLHIDQG'DQQ\%D]]HOO¿HOGUHSUHVHQWDWLYHIRU0LOLWDU\DQG9HWHUDQV$IIDLUVIRU&DOLIRUQLD6WDWH
                                                                                 Senator Sharon Runner.
  SNCO of the Year — Master Sgt. Thomas H. Wagner, 412th MSG
  Individual Mobilization Augmentee SNCO — Master Sgt Anhtuan L.
Dang, 412th Test Wing Judge Advocate
  First Sergeant of the Year — Master Sgt Dyjuan R. Washington, 412th
Maintenance Group
  &RPSDQ\*UDGH2I¿FHURIWKH<HDU² Capt. David F. Jacobs, 412th
  IMA CGO of the Year — Capt. Francisco Ochoa, 412th TW/JA
  )LHOG*UDGH2I¿FHURIWKH<HDU² Maj. Nancy L. Baccheschi, 412th
Electronic Warfare Group
  IMA FGO of the Year — Maj. Maureen E. Marshall, 412th TW/JA
  Honor Guardsman of the Year — Tech. Sgt. Oscar G. Lopez, 412th
  Honor Guardsman Program Manager — Master Sgt. Harold Padua,
412th MSG
  Supervision/Management — Jessica M. Peterson, 412th Test Engi-
neering Group
  6FLHQWL¿F(QJLQHHULQJ² Andrew Corp, 412th EWG

                                                             See AWARDS, Page 8

Edwards F-35As test readiness at Mountain Home AFB

by Airman 1st Class Jessica H. Evans              gration opportunities with F-15E and A-10                                                                                                                 Air Force photograph by Senior Airman Jeremy L. Mosier
Mountain Home AFB, Idaho                          aircraft,” said Maj. Christopher White, F-35
                                                  project manager with the 31st Test Evalu-       An F-35A parks for the night under the sunshades at Mountain Home Air Force Base,
  Six F-35As arrived at Mountain Home             ation Squadron from Edwards AFB. “This,         Idaho, Feb. 18, 2016. The F-35s are testing their combat capabilities through an operational
AFB, Idaho, Feb. 8, 2016, from Edwards            combined with outstanding airspace capa-        deployment test at Mountain Home AFB range complexes.
AFB, Calif., to begin an operational de-          ble of providing F-35s with a robust threat
ployment test at a nearby range complex.          laydown, makes Mountain Home AFB the            to 20 years from now it will make up the       ment through a 360-degree view of the bat-
The test will help develop the concept of         ideal location to assess the F-35’s ability to  YDVWPDMRULW\RIRXU¿JKWHUIRUFHVRLW¶VLP-  tlespace.
operations as well as validate the aircraft’s     operate while deployed.”                        portant that we wring it out as much as we
capability to deploy.                                                                             can now so that it can be the best jet pos-      Designed with the entire battlespace in
  In order for the U.S. Air Force to declare      approximately four sorties a day with their                                                    technologically sophisticated multirole
initial operating capability for the F-35A,       4th generation counterparts, dropping 20-         Unlike the 4th generation aircraft, the      fighter built to this day, with advanced
the aircraft must be able to execute three        30 inert weapons during multiple training       F-35 uses multiple sensor fusion and inte-     stealth, speed and agility, fully-fused sen-
key mission sets: suppression and destruc-        scenarios throughout the test.                  grated avionics to give pilots the ability to
tion of enemy air defense; air interdiction                                                       quickly and fully understand the environ-                                   See IDAHO, Page 4
missions; as well as conduct basic close air        “Mountain Home is great because the
support — to include alert launches. Each of      ranges and airspace here allow us to drop
these functions will be executed in a limited     ZHDSRQVDQGÀ\VRUWLHVDWUDWHVZHFDQ¶W
capacity to measure the effectiveness of the      back home,” said Maj. Colin Marshall, chief
weapons system in line with the IOC prog-         of Standardization and Evaluation, also with
ress. The deployment test is designed not         WKHVW7(6³,W¶VIXQWR¿QGDWDUJHWE\
only to identify capabilities, but also any       talking to ground controllers, drop a bomb
limitations the aircraft may have.                on that target, and then watch an A-10 roll
                                                  in and strafe it, all while an F-15E orbits
  $VDWKJHQHUDWLRQPXOWLUROH¿JKWHUZLWK      supersonic above and prepares for the next
electronic warfare and multi-spectral fused       attack.”
sensor capabilities, the F-35 is designed to
EHFRPSDUDEOHWRFXUUHQWWDFWLFDO¿JKWHUVLQ       With innovative capabilities, the 5th gen-
terms of maneuverability, but optimized for       eration F-35 is able to meet security needs
stealth. Mountain Home AFB offers the per-        IRUWKH86DQGSURYLGHWKHZDU¿JKWHUXQ-
fect environment and integration experienc-       precedented situational awareness and the
es to test the aircraft’s abilities, forming the  UHTXLUHGVXUYLYDELOLW\WR¿JKWDQGZLQLQ
foundation for deployed F-35 operations.          highly-contested environments.

  “Mountain Home offers excellent inte-             “The F-35 is the future of the Air Force
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