Page 6 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-26-16
P. 6

6  Desert Wings                                                                                                                                                           February 26, 2016


by Rebecca Amber                        According to this year’s coaches,      For instance, in their first year,     “They learn a lot of skills that      learned how to think outside the box
Staff writer                          the game this time around was much     team #7227 Scorpion Robotics           they don’t learn otherwise; techni-     while also using other team mem-
                                      harder than in previous years requir-  showed up at a competition with-       cal skills and also just team building  ber’s ideas, not just going off of my
  Desert Jr.-Sr. High School robot-   ing the students to be even more cre-  out a part they needed and another     skills,” said coach Michael Perron,     own.”
ics team, #7227 Scorpion Robotics,    ative in creating a robot that could   team let them borrow what they         416th Flight Test Squadron. “And
is heading to the L.A. Regional Ro-   score points. Meanwhile, the teams     needed for the competition. This       also just simple things like using a      Caroline Deojay, grade 9, wants
botics Championship Tournament        transitioned to new technology to      year, another school’s team found      wrench and a screwdriver.”              to be a computer programmer
Feb. 27 in Monrovia, Calif.           control their robots this year.        themselves without a critical item at                                          someday. Not only did joining the
                                                                             a competition. Rather than watching      Joseph Santiago, grade 12, is in      Scorpion Robotics team give her a
  Since the Desert Robotics club        Last year, the teams used laptops    that team forfeit, the Desert High     his second year on the team. Next       chance to practice her programming
was founded three years ago, it’s     and a router to control the systems    School teams lent a helping hand.      year when he goes off to college he     skills, it was an opportunity to make
grown to include 22 students, 10      RYHU:L¿1RZWKH\¶YHPRYHGWR                                              will consider studying engineering,     new friends.
coaches and three teams. Team         an Android system and two phones.        One coach noted that the teams       something he had not thought about
#7227 Scorpion Robotics is the                                               still forget things, but they’ve       prior to joining the team.                “When I moved here I didn’t re-
original team and was joined in the     “They still need a laptop to do all  learned what it’s like to show up at                                           ally have a lot of friends and I’d al-
second year by team #9074 Scorpio-    the programming, but then you use      a competition unprepared and see         “I never really understood how        ways been interested in engineering
botics. This year a third team was    WZRSKRQHV>2QH@SKRQHEHFRPHV       another team show compassion to        much I liked seeing things go to-       and I just leaned towards robotics,”
established, #10187 The Heralds of    basically like a flight computer       create a fair competition.             gether in an electrical and me-         recalled Caroline.
the Sea.                              that runs the robot and the second                                            chanical sense,” said Joseph. “I’ve
                                      phone is what they use to control                                                                                       Now she’s learning all kinds of
  All of the teams participate in     the robot,” explained coach An-                                                               Desert High             new things like how center of grav-
what is known as FIRST Tech Chal-     thony Gore, 412th Test Engineer-                                                              School                  ity and torque work.
lenge, which is For Inspiration and   ing Group.                                                                                    robotics
Recognition of Science and Tech-                                                                                                    team, #7227               All of the coaches encourage stu-
nology.                                 The end result is a more power-                                                             Scorpion                dents who are interested in joining
                                      ful system that keeps their learning                                                          Robotics,               next year’s robotics teams to come
  Each year at the start of the sea-  more relevant. The students even                                                              is heading              try it out.
son, a new “game” is released to      had to program part of an app to get                                                          to the L.A.
all the teams. This year’s game       their robots moving.                                                                          Regional                  “If they come there day one, that
is called FIRST Res-Q. Students                                                                                                     Championship            ¿UH¶VWKHUH,I,JHWWKHPWKHUHGD\
work together to design, build and      Last year teams #7227 and #9074                                                             Tournament              two, they’re hooked,” said Gore.
program their robot using sound       wrote letters asking for grants to                                                            Feb. 27 in
engineering principles. At compe-     purchase 3D printers. Both were                                                               Monrovia,                 The coaches don’t run the team
titions, they compete in an alliance  awarded grants and each received a                                                            Calif.                  alone. They have a team of mentors
format against other teams. The       printer that can be used to print 3D                                                                                  who volunteer faithfully at each
teams compete in two qualifying       parts for their robots.                Air Force photograph by Rebecca Amber                                          practice. The Desert Robotics teams
tournaments and must qualify at one                                                                                                                         are always looking for additional
of those tournaments to advance to      But it’s not all about technology                                                                                   mentors and new or used hand and
regionals.                            in the robotics club.                                                                                                 power tools. For more information
                                                                                                                                                            about the Desert Robotics teams,
                                        They learn to work in teams and                                                                                     or to donate tools email scorpion-
                                      exhibit gracious professionalism.                                                                           

                                      FURNITURE AND STUFF FOR SALE

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    Armoire (40W x 19.5D x 76T). Night stands each with marble
   tops. (Each about 42W x 17D x 33T). Headboard will work with            ƒILÑčą
                                                                             Washer still spins, dryer not sure (don’t have 220v).
                          either queen or full size bed.
                                                                                       Oven needs re-wiring. Very cool find!

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