Page 7 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-26-16
P. 7

February 26, 2016                                                                                                                                            Desert Wings  7
Food for the ‘soul’ on the menu at luncheon

  Team Edwards celebrated African                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Air Force photograph by Rebecca Amber
American History Month with a soul food
tasting Feb. 18 at the Airman and Family     Team Edwards celebrated African American History Month with a soul food tasting Feb. 18 at the Airman and Family Readiness Center. The
Readiness Center. The tables were lined      lunch event was one of several events put on at Edwards for African American History Month.
with collard greens, macaroni and cheese,
fried chicken and more.

  The event’s organizers, Staff Sgt.
Tarianna Green, and Tech. Sgt. Kenneth
Bracely, were careful to distinguish that
the foods served that day were not “south-
ern cooking.” According to Bracely,
southern cooking derived from soul food,
the roots of which date back to the days of
slavery in the United States.

  The slaves at that time would take left
overs from their owner’s meal to create
their own meal and a time of fellowship.

  “When our ancestors would cook they
would use pain, struggle, suffering, love
and spiritual blessing for the herbs and
spices,” said Bracely. “A cook would
pour their soul into providing a great meal
praying spiritual blessing over it.”

  Over time, the tradition continued and
families would gather for a large meal
once a week and to enjoy each other.

  Read more about African American
History Month at www.africanamerican-


  First of all, what is the Consumer Financial Protection          ‡5HVWULFWVXQIDLUGHFHSWLYHRUDEXVLYHDFWVRUSUDFWLFHV    HU¿QDQFHJRYFRPSODLQW
Bureau?                                                            ‡7DNHVFRQVXPHUFRPSODLQWV                                      The CFPB will forward your issue to the company, give
  The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a federal            ‡5HVHDUFKHVFRQVXPHUEHKDYLRU                                 you a tracking number, and keep you updated on the status
more effective, enforcing those rules, and by empowering           ‡(QIRUFHVODZVWKDWRXWODZGLVFULPLQDWLRQDQGRWKHUXQ-
consumers to take more control over their economic lives.        IDLUWUHDWPHQWLQFRQVXPHU¿QDQFH                                  2QWKH&)3%ZHEVLWHVHUYLFHPHPEHUVFDQ¿QGVWUDLJKW-
  7KH&)3%HGXFDWHVFRQVXPHUVRQDZLGHUDQJHRI¿QDQ-           How does the CFPB serve and protect                              affecting service members.
DEXVLYHSUDFWLFHVLQWKH¿QDQFLDOPDUNHWSODFH                                                                                   Advocating for better protections for
                                                                   7KH2I¿FHRI6HUYLFHPHPEHU$IIDLUVDWWKH&RQVXPHU)L-         service members
  The CFPB works to make regulations and guidance as             nancial Protection Bureau is dedicated to assist in resolving
clear and streamlined as possible so providers of consumer       FRQVXPHU¿QDQFLDOFKDOOHQJHVDIIHFWLQJVHUYLFHPHPEHUV           The OSA advocates for strengthening the Military Lend-
¿QDQFLDOSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHVFDQIROORZWKHUXOHVRQWKHLU    veterans, and their families.                                    ing Act. The MLA should protect members of the military,
own.                                                                                                                              but loopholes have cost service members millions of dol-
                                                                   7KH26$RIIHUV¿QDQFLDOHGXFDWLRQPRQLWRUVFRPSODLQWV        lars. The OSA and CFPB are shedding light on what these
  The also CFPB gives consumers the information they need        submitted by consumers to the CFPB, and coordinates with         loopholes cost, what DOD is proposing to do about it, and
WRXQGHUVWDQGWKHWHUPVRIWKHLUDJUHHPHQWVZLWK¿QDQFLDO       other Federal and state agencies on military consumer pro-       how we as a country can better protect people in uniform.
are best for themselves and their families.                                                                                       Providing resources for service mem-
                                                                   The OSA understands that military life has extra chal-         bers, veterans, and their families
  Above all, this means ensuring consumers get the infor-        lenges, such as deployment and frequent moves, and that
mation they need, prices are clear up front, risks are visible,  WKRVHFKDOOHQJHVFDQKDYHSRZHUIXO¿QDQFLDOUHSHUFXVVLRQV         Most people paying for higher education take out student
DQGQRWKLQJLVEXULHGLQ¿QHSULQW,QDPDUNHWWKDWZRUNV                                                                      loans.
consumers should be able to make direct comparisons among          Representing the military community at the CFPB, the
products and no provider should be able to use unfair, decep-    OSA works to ensure others understand the unique consumer          Servicemembers, veterans and their families have special
tive, or abusive practices.                                      ¿QDQFLDOFKDOOHQJHVIDFHGE\WKHPLOLWDU\DQGWRHQFRXUDJH     options that could save them money and make them better
                                                                 WKH&)3%DQGRWKHUDJHQFLHVXVHWKHLUSRZHUVWRPDNH¿QDQ-       off in the long run.
What does the CFPB do?                                           cial markets work better for our military and veteran families.
                                                                                                                                    From servicemember guides on minimizing student loan
  Congress established the CFPB to protect consumers by          Taking action to assist sservice mem-                            debt to a GI Bill calculator, the CFPB website provides a
LPSOHPHQWLQJIHGHUDOFRQVXPHU¿QDQFLDOODZV                    bers                                                             wide range of tools for educators and service members on
  Among other things, the CFPB:                                    ,I\RXKDYHDFRPSODLQWDJDLQVWD¿QDQFLDOFRPSDQ\\RX
  ‡(QDFWVUXOHVDQGVXSHUYLVHV¿QDQFLDOFRPSDQLHVLQFOXG-       can submit it to the CFPB via their website at www.consum-         The OSA hosts an ongoing series of online Military Finan-
ing banks and credit unions                                                                                                       FLDO(GXFDWRUH/HDUQLQJVRQFRQVXPHU¿QDQFLDOWRSLFVIRU
  ‡(QIRUFHVIHGHUDOFRQVXPHU¿QDQFLDOSURWHFWLRQODZV                                                                            military leaders, Command Financial Specialist, and service

                                                                                                                                    Additionally, the CFPB has compiled a listing of the con-
                                                                                                                                  sumer financial protection resources available to service
                                                                                                                                  members and their families in each of the 50 states.

                                                                                                                                    The inclusion of these state resources are especially impor-
                                                                                                                                  tant to service members and their families as they move from
                                                                                                                                  duty station to duty station and are often unfamiliar with the
                                                                                                                                  consumer protection assistance available to them.

                                                                                                                                    For more information about the CFPB, visit http://www.
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