Page 3 - Edwards AFB Desert Wings 2-26-16
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February 26, 2016                                                                                                                                                                      Desert Wings  3
                                                A Dutch F-35A Lightning II will                                                                                                                                                          Royal Netherlands Air Force photograph
 CCAF cutoff date for April                   touch down on home soil for the
 graduation                                   ¿UVWWLPHIRUHQYLURQPHQWDOFRPSDW-      Two Royal Netherlands Air Force F-35A Lightning IIs take off from Edwards AFB. The Dutch stood
                                              ibility trials this spring according to  XSWKHLU¿UVW)XQLW1XPEHU6TXDGURQLQVSHFL¿FDOO\WRFRQGXFWRSHUDWLRQDOWHVWLQJDQG
    The Community College of the Air          a Royal Netherlands Air Force re-        evaluation at Edwards.
 Force April 2016 cutoff date for gradu-      lease.
 ation is Feb. 26, 2016. To be considered
 for graduation in the April class, CCAF        The F-35 will conduct several
 must receive all documentation (i.e.         low-altitude circuits, take-offs and
 transcripts, CLEP scores, etc.) for degree   landings at both Leeuwarden Air
 candidate submissions on or before this      Base and Volkel Air Base, where
 date. Students must also be enrolled in      the aircraft will eventually be based.
 the degree program NLT Feb. 26. Nomi-
 nations for students in which all docu-        The RNLAF plans to replace its
 ments are received by the Feb. 26 cutoff     OHJDF\)$%ÀHHWZLWKDPLQL-
 date may be initiated through March 6 to     mum of 37 F-35s, split between the
 meet the April 2016 class cutoff.            two bases. An F-16 will accompany
                                              the F-35 during the trials in May or
    For more information, call the Educa-     June, to provide comparison data on
 tion Center staff at 661-277-2713.           the level of noise generated by the
                                              two aircraft, and its possible impact
 Release of student data                      on nearby communities, according
                                              to the release.
    Important information on the Release
 of Confidential Student Data is now            7KH¿UVW'XWFK)XQLW1XP-
 available at The        ber 323 Squadron, is currently un-
 Release of Student Data pertains to all      dertaking operational test and eval-
 California students since Jan. 1, 2008. It   uation at Edwards AFB, Calif. Air-
 is important that you read the message       ¿HOGWULDOVZLOOEHJLQLQHDUQHVWQH[W
 carefully as the deadline for taking action  year ahead of the aircraft permanent
 is April 1, 2016. Current/former students    relocation to the Netherlands in
 who are 18 or older are responsible for      2019, according to the RNLAF.
 of data. For more information, call Donna    IDAHO, from 1                                                                                                                                          Air Force photograph by Airman 1st Class Jessica H. Evans
 Eichling at 661-277-2456.
                                              sor information, network-enabled opera-         Maj. Ethan Sabin, 31st Test and Evaluation Squadron assistant director of operations,
 Blood drive                                  tions and advanced sustainment.                 settles into the cockpit of an F-35A at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, Feb. 12, 2016.
                                                                                              Sabin is assigned to the 31st TES at Edwards AFB. The 31st TES is part of the 53rd Wing,
    The American Red Cross is looking for       %\YDOLGDWLQJWKHDLUFUDIW¶VSUR¿FLHQFLHV    headquartered at Elgin AFB, Fla.
 volunteers and donors for the blood drive    during this deployment test, policy makers
 coming up March 2. The blood drive runs      will be able to make informed decisions
 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. at the Chapel 1 Annex.   about the readiness of the F-35A toward
 Being a blood donor is a great way to give   IOC. More importantly, White explained,
 back to the community and save lives. If     these tests ensure our brothers and sisters
 you think you or someone you know is         make it home safely from their missions.
 willing to donate blood or volunteer at
 this or other blood drives that take place     As the largest Department of Defense ac-
 RQWKH¿UVW:HGQHVGD\RIHYHU\PRQWK       quisition program in history, the thorough
 contact Senior Airman Dominique Lyles        testing of the aircraft and its supporting in-
 at                frastructure is immensely important, White
 Breakfast at Club Muroc
                                                “With the massive investment and
    Beginning March 1, Club Muroc will        planned longevity of this program, it’s en-
 start serving breakfast 6:30-10 a.m.,        tirely possible that our sons and daughters
 Monday-Friday, and all day (10 a.m.-8        ZLOOÀ\WKH>-RLQW6WULNH)LJKWHU@LQIXWXUH
 p.m.), Saturdays and Sundays. The new        wars. Simply put, we have to get this right,”
 menu includes traditional breakfast items    he said.
 and meals, including omelets, burritos,
 DQGFKLFNHQDQGZDIÀHV)RUPRUHLQIRU-        So far the testing is going better than ex-
 mation, call 661-275-CLUB.                   pected; the results have been very satisfying
                                              from a test and pilot perspective, Marshall
                                              said. With a few lessons already learned, the
                                              pilot hopes to continue to have successes
                                              during the deployment test.

   The Desert Wings is published by Aerotech News and Re-                                   Editorial Staff                                                 Fax: (661) 277-2732.
YLHZDSULYDWH¿UPLQQRZD\FRQQHFWHGZLWKWKH86$LU                                                                                                     Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the
Force, under exclusive written contract with the installation        Commander, 412th TW ..................... Brig. Gen. Carl Schaefer
commander. This commercial enterprise Air Force newspaper            Command Chief, 412th TW ...... Chief Master Sgt. David Smith                           WK7HVW:LQJ3XEOLF$IIDLUV2I¿FH$OOSKRWRVDUH$LU)RUFH
is an authorized publication for members of the U.S. military        Director, 412th Test Wing Public Affairs................ Steve Zapka                   photos unless otherwise indicated.
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                                                                     Production Staff ...............................................Rebecca Amber             Paid advertisements may be referred to Aerotech News and
   Contents of the Desert WingsDUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHRI¿FLDO     Layout and graphic design ..............................Stuart Ibberson                Review, 456 East Avenue K-4, Suite 8, Lancaster, CA, 93535
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