Page 2 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, October 2020
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2       High Desert Warrior                                                                                                                                                                     High Desert Warrior         3
           October 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 October 2020
     Community                                                                                                             WHO WE ARE                                                                                                                                              Community

                                                                                                                        Brig. Gen. David Lesperance
                                                                                                                           Commanding General
   SVUSD talks grades, sports in new live,                                                                            Command Sgt. Maj. William Justice             NTC Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month,
                                                                                                                               Post CSM
                                                                                                                           Col. Jeanette Martin
   weekly community update                                                                                            Command Sgt. Maj. Paul Fedorisin
                                                                                                                           Garrison Commander
                                                                                                                              Garrison CSM                          highlights Hispanic achievement
       By Janell J. Lewis Ford  minded  parents and students                                                                 Darryl Darden
                              that in order to go to a four-year                                                           Public A airs Director
    NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public                                                                                                                                             Story and Photo by Joshua Rojas                                                          cultures, and language they share are what makes up the many
             A airs           college, students must have all                                                           High Desert Warrior Sta                                                                                                                         faces of Hispanic-Americans soldiers in today’s Army. Many
                              C’s or above.                                                                              Janell J. Lewis Ford, Editor                                 NTC Headquarters
     FORT IRWIN, Calif. —       “Right now some students’                                                                     (760) 380-3450                                                                                                                            say this is a constant reminder that although everyone comes
   Leaders at Silver Valley Uni ed   grades are not up to par,” Islas                                                Jason Miller, Sta  Writer/Photographer            FORT IRWIN, Calif — Col. Luis R. Rivero spoke about                                              from many di erent backgrounds, everyone shares one thing
   School District’s Silver Valley   said.                                                                                    (760) 380-3073                        the Hispanic culture and diversity in the Army at the Hispanic                                      in common— being Americans.
   High School have begun con-  She and Sullivan informed                                                           Renita Wickes, Sta  Writer/Photographer         Heritage Month celebration on Sept. 30.                                                                Many believe Rivero is a model example of Hispanic achieve-
                                                                                                                                                                        e event was held at the Sandy Basin Community Center
   ducting weekly Facebook Live   parents of the tutoring options                                                             (760) 380-3078                        and streamed live on the NTC/Fort Irwin Facebook page.                                              ment in the military. Having been born in San Juan, Puerto
   updates to families and students.  available through the district                                                David Dupree, Sta  Writer/Photographer             It was event sponsored by NTC’s MEO/EEO Offices, along                                           Rico, Rivero moved to Washington D.C. where he attended
     The live events began on   high school.                                                                                  (760) 380-8917
   Sept. 14 and will continue each   “From one to two o’clock                                                       Casey Slusser, Sta  Writer/Photographer         with the 1916th Support Battalion and the 916th Support Bri-                                        Georgetown University and majored in Biology. He then com-
   Monday from 12:30-1p.m.  ey   everyday, Monday through  Mike Sullivan, the principal of Silver Valley High School and      (760) 380-3076                        gade.  e theme was, ‘Honoring the Past, Securing the Future.’                                       pleted his medical school degree in Puerto Rico. Rivero also
                                                                                                                                                                        roughout history, Hispanic-Americans have always been
   are hosted by Mike Sullivan, the    ursday, we will have tutors in  Mike Meyer, Assistant Principal SVHS and Lewis Elementary   Aerotech News                    present and are a huge part of our nation’s history.                                                completed a Master’s in Public Health from the University
   principal of Silver Valley High   di erent subject areas available,”  host the high school’s  rst, weekly live broadcast, updating the   Emma Uribe, Graphic Designer  “As part of the United States, Hispanic-Americans, like all   battle of Gettysburg. Born from Latin American immigrants,  of Texas Medical Branch. He has deployed twice in support
   School and Mike Meyer, Assis-  Sullivan said. “ is is in addi-  community.                                                                                                                                         he was his unit’s  ag bearer. When on the battle  eld, he at-  of Operation Iraqi Freedom, where he served as a Battalion
   tant Principal SVHS and Lewis   tion to the Barstow Community  — 14 and the  rst football game  each weekday, saying, “We are   HIGH DESERT WARRIOR              other Americans have answered the call to serve, over and over,”   tacked the Confederacies  ag bearer with his  ags sta  and then  Flight Surgeon and a Brigade Surgeon. Currently, Rivero is
   Elementary.  ey ask that the   College group tutoring that they   is scheduled for Jan. 9.  e full  here and ready to help.”   High Desert Warrior, a civilian enterprise newspaper, is an   Rivero said as he spoke of the commitment that Hispanic-  presented that  ag to Gen. Alexander S. Webb before heading  the Deputy Commander for Clinical Services at Weed Army
                                                                                                                                                                    Americans have to America and to the military.
   community sends in their ques-  have available as a non-credit   schedule can be viewed on the    e principal and assistant   authorized publication for members of the United States   Rivero continued saying, “Hispanics have been in every war   back into battle. De Castro’s story is only one of countless  Hospital, where he has been since July 2019.
   tions by Friday afternoon, to be   course.”           high school website.       principal can be reached at 760-  Army and Fort Irwin community.  Contents of this newspaper   and every battle eld in history in defense of the United States.”   Hispanic-Americans who fought to defend our nation when   “Today we celebrate Hispanic-Americans, just as we celebrate
                                                                                                                 are not necessarily o cial view of, or endorsed by, the U.S.
   answered each Monday.        Math and English teach-                                                          Government, Department of Defense, Department of the                                                 needed. Since then, Hispanic-Americans have served in every  other groups the rest of the year,” he said. “Ultimately we are all
     Guests so far have included   ers will be available four days   During the live sessions, the  254-2963.    Army or Fort Irwin and the National Training Center.  High   Service in the military for Hispanic-Americans dates back                                 Americans and that’s what makes us a stronger nation.”
   the football coach, counselors   a week (Mondays- ursdays);   ASB (Associated Student Body)   “A lot of what we’re doing is   Desert Warrior is prepared weekly by the Public A airs O ce,   to the Civil War in 1861. In 1863 Joseph H. De Castro was  major war to include World War I and World War II.   e next EEO commemoration will be held on November
                                                                                                                 National  Training Center and Fort Irwin, P.O. Box 105067,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Latin America is made up of 20 countries of which all
   and the ASB teacher.       Social Studies and Science will   teacher, Mr. Wade Backlund  trouble shooting and trying to   Fort Irwin, CA, 92310-5067.  Telephone: 380-4511 or DSN     the  rst Hispanic-American to be awarded the Medal of Honor
                                                                                                                 470-4511. FAX: 380-3075.
                                                                                                                                                                    for having distinguished himself during Pickett’s Charge in the  Hispanic-American soldiers have ties.  e diverse traditions,  18 and will be celebrating American Indian Heritage.
     The community seems      be available three days a week   also o ered information on the   nd answers to questions you   High Desert Warrior is a digital publication, distributed monthly
   pleased.                   (Tuesdays- ursdays), and all of   National Honor Society and  may have,” Sullivan said.  on Facebook, as
                                                                                                                 well as emailed to base personnel  It is produced at Aerotech
     “Communication has been   the elective and athletic teachers   announced that graduation will   When it comes to returning   News and Review, 220 East Avenue K-4 Suite 7, Lancaster, CA   Post-wide power outage scheduled this month
   great,” Lena Spalty said. “ e  will be available on Mondays   be on May 25, along with a  to in-person classes, Sullivan   93535,  (661) 945-5634.
                                                                                                                 Aerotech News and Review is a private  rm in no way
   lunch program has been a huge  from 1- 2p.m.          Disneyland trip on May 26th.   said, “We will let you know as   connected with the Department of the Army and is
   help.  ank you for all you are   The high school principal   Sullivan reminded parents  soon as we know. We follow the   responsible for the commercial advertising found in this            Janell J. Lewis Ford
   doing for our students.”   recommended parents sign up   and teachers that there are still  directions of the governor and   publication. Everything advertised in this  publication  will
                                                                                                                 be made available for purchase, use or patronage without
     Claudia Beck echoed those  for the Parent Portal and In nite   some students who have not  the county, so as we’re allowed   regard to race, color, religion, sex, national orientation, age,   NTC/Fort Irwin Garrison Public A airs
   sentiments saying, “ ank you,  Campus to monitor alerts and   picked up their required text-  to, we will be prepared and that’s   marital status, physical handicap or political a liation of   FORT IRWIN, Cal . —  e Directorate of Public Works, along with the Southern
                                                                                                                 the purchaser, user or patron. A con rmed violation of this
   for keeping us updated all the  noti cations from the school.  books and said Mr. Meyer is  what we’re getting ready to do all   policy of equal  opportunity by an advertiser will result in   California Edison energy company have scheduled Fort Irwin’s post-wide power outage on
                                                                                                                 refusal to print advertising from that source. The appearance
   time.”                       Some exciting news came   happy to  bring them  to Fort  the time and we can’t wait to see   of advertisements in this publication does not constitute an   Oct. 17 from 6a.m.-6p.m.
      ere was a Virtual College  from Coach Jonathan Bowman.  Irwin and meet at Lewis Elemen-  our kids back on campus again,   endorsement by the Department of the Army of the products   SCE will be conducting routine service, repairs, maintenance and upgrading of power
   Fair on Sept. 24 and  rst quar-  “We’re looking at a date in  tary, if needed.   especially the ones we don’t   or services advertised.                          distribution and transmission systems, substations and source lines.
                                                                                                                 Printed by Aerotech News and Review, Inc.  (877) 247-9288,
   ter progress reports have been  December to start football in   Sullivan wants to let the com-  even know that well yet because              ose who require power for medical devices can contact their unit and/or Weed Army
   distributed.               pads,” he said.  ey’re expecting  munity know that school leaders  they’re freshmen or we haven’t                                     Community Hospital for assistance.
     Counselor, Crystal Islas re-  that to happen between Dec. 1  are available at the high school  seen them.”         NEWSPAPER AWARDS                               Many residents decide to enjoy a day o  post for the day or the weekend, but for those
                                                                                                                       2nd Place, 2017 U.S. Army IMCOM              who stay, there will be options.
   WACH  rst RHC-C hospital to implement new electronic health record                                             Honorable Mention, 2009 U.S. Army IMCOM-West          e Commissary and 24-hour Shoppette will remain open with generators. More informa-
                                                                                                                   Newspaper Competition — Feature Photograph
                                                                                                                    Newspaper Competition — Tabloid category        tion will be provided on other operation services for that day.
    Story and Photo by Kimberly Hackbarth   rough MHS GENESIS, bene ciaries                                            3rd Place, 2008 Dept. of the Army               NTC/Fort Irwin plans a bi-annual outage as a preventative measure to reduce the chance
                                       can view their health information, exchange                                                                                  of an unexpected electrical outage on post in the future.
                                                                                                                           Maj. Gen. Keith L. Ware
   Weed Army Community Hospital Public A airs  secure messages with their care team, request                        Newspaper Competition — Tabloid Category           Residents and employees are asked to:
     FORT IRWIN, Calif. — MHS GEN-     prescription renewals, view notes from                                                                                          • Turn off and unplug all office computers, TVs and other power supplies on Friday before
   ESIS, the Department of Defense’s new   clinical visits, request medical and active duty                              SEND US FEEDBACK                           leaving work and at home
                                                                                                                   Send your questions, suggestions, or problems to:
   electronic health record, went live at the   dental appointments, and more.                                  1. Your chain of command                               • Keep all refrigerator doors closed (items should be safe from damage/spoiling for 12 hours)
   National Training Center and Fort Irwin   Lt. Col. Meshelle Taylor, a program                                2. ICE (Interactive Customer Evaluation)                                                                                                                                                   From WACH, Page 2
   on Sept. 26.                        manager and the MHS GENESIS point of                                     3. CG’s Hotline: 380-5463
     Weed Army Community Hospital is the   contact for WACH, said the transition to                                        SOCIAL MEDIA                             record for in-patient, out-patient and dental care leading to safer quality care to our patients,”   Ten days before the launch, WACH sta  participated in a mock Go-Live event.
    rst military hospital within Regional Health   MHS GENESIS will initially reduce ap-  Photo by Kimberly Hackbarth, WACH Public A airs    Instagram: @ntcfortirwin  Taylor explained.                                                          During the event, sta  ran through scenarios to practice how they would use the system in
   Command - Central, which includes more   pointment availability since appointments   Employees from Weed Army Community   Facebook (NTC/Ft Irwin): @ntcFortIrwin    Phased approach                                                         real life.
   than eight active duty hospitals, and the  rst   will be extended to one-hour appointments   Hospital run through patient scenarios   Facebook (Public A airs): @FtIrwin  Sta  at Weed Army Community Hospital began preparing for MHS GENESIS in April 2019   From a patient checking in at the front desk, having a nurse take their vitals, being seen by
   hospital in the Army following the initial  to accommodate the learning curve for pro-  during an MHS GENESIS mock go-live   Twitter: @NTC_Update                and went through several phases to get ready for the transition.           a provider, all the way to picking up prescriptions from the pharmacy, many departments had
   trial facility, to make the transition to MHS  viders and other sta  using the new system.   event September 16 on Fort Irwin, Calif.                                e phases included online training, a sign-on fair, and a mock go-live.
   GENESIS.                               e initial friction point will be partially   WACH is the  rst hospital within Regional                                       Capt. Steven Fowler, the WACH patient administration division chief and San Diego native,   a role to play in one or more scenarios.
     When fully deployed, MHS GENESIS  mitigated with the use of virtual appoint-  Health Command- Central to transition                                            oversaw the sign-on fair and arranged the time slots for more than 400 employees to sign on   Prior to the Go-Live on Sept. 26, bene ciaries were encouraged to create a Premium DS
   will provide a single health record for service  ments and will ultimately lead to long-term   to the Department of Defense’s new                                and resolve any issues with the system.                                    Logon account at for access to MHS GENESIS Patient Portal.
   members, veterans, and their families, ac-  bene ts, she stated.        electronic health record system.                                                            “Sign-on fair is to validate that every individual who touches MHS GENESIS has their right   For more information, visit
   cording to the website.    “MHS Genesis will provide one inclusive               See WACH, Page 3                                                     account and the right accesses based o  of their job,” he said.            Military-Electronic-Health-Record/MHS-GENESIS.

     For more information go to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                For more information go to
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