Page 6 - Fort Irwin High Desert Warrior, October 2020
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6 High Desert Warrior High Desert Warrior 7
October 2020
October 2020
Events SVUSD Spotlight
September 11th, Patriots Day Teacher Spotlight Student Spotlight
remembered at Fort Irwin (Lewis Elementary School): (Lewis Elementary School):
Ms. Kuechenmeister is new to Lewis
Logan is seven-years old and
Elementary this year and is teaching Kin-
class. is is his second elementary
dergarten. Her husband is an active duty is in Mrs. McConnell’s 1st Grade
soldier and this summer’s move to Fort school and his second school where
Story and Photo by Casey Slusser
Irwin marked their ninth move (with two his mom is right down the hall. At
Fort Irwin Public A airs sons and two dogs in tow). Ms. K previ- school, he loves reading, doing art,
FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Fort Irwin leadership, the Directorate of Emergency Services, ously taught First Grade and/or Kindergar- and Mrs. McConnell’s, “animal of
soldiers and the community remembered the fallen of the 9/11 terrorist attacks with a convoy ten at Fort Campbell, Kentucky and Fort the week” lessons on Friday’s. When
across the installation on Sept. 11. Stewart, Georgia. She said: “I feel extremely he is not at school, he loves to play
the guitar, build with Legos, watch
e remarks, moment of silence and convoy were livestreamed on Fort Irwin’s Garrison lucky to have been able to do what I love
Facebook page. All community members were invited to re ect on the loss of 343 re ghters (teach!) inside my very own Army commu- movies, do “Army stu ” with his
dad, play with his older brother,
and emergency personnel, 60 law enforcement officers, 125 Pentagon staff, 2,753 civilians and nity. is is my fth year of teaching and I Gavin, and spend time outside with
more than 7,000 U.S. Military personnel who died on and after Sept. 11, 2001. am so excited to have a new Kindergarten his family and dogs.
Following the convoy, FDNY Ladder #152 remained on display at the Blue Track for com- Casey Slusser, Fort Irwin Public A airs crew at Lewis Elementary!”
munity members to view. New York City Fire Department ladder truck #152 was one of the Leaders, community members and the Directorate of Emergency Services participated in a
ladder trucks that responded to Ground Zero after the collapse of the twin towers of the World ceremony and 9/11 memorial motorcade in order to honor the fallen and commemorate
Trade Center, and one of three remaining intact today. the sacri ces of rst responders.
More money, more options On Sept. 21, there was a Gold Star From GOLD, Page 1
Service flag raising ceremony at the
Garrison Headquarters by Gold Star
By Cynthia M. Bernstine less than $4,000 per bi-weekly you need it next year. families, with assistance from the NTC
pay period, will have the 6.2% • Use the normally withheld
Legal Assistance O ce Commanding General, Brig. Gen.
FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Social Security tax automatically amount to pay down debts. In- David Lesperance and NTC Com-
terest on debts cost a lot of money
Starting with the September mid- ere will not be any ability in the long run. Depending on mand Sgt. Maj. William A. Justice. e
month pay, eligible employees are to opt-in for people at or above the size and type of debt, making Fort Irwin Garrison Commander, Col.
seeing more take-home pay due those limits, nor an ability for extra payments on the principle Jeanette Martin made closing remarks.
to the deferral of certain payroll eligible employees to opt-out. may drive down your monthly On Sept. 22, author and Gold Star know that their loved ones life was
tax obligations. Of course, it e determination will be made payment, save you money on Mother, Remy Davis, signed copies of meaningful.
will be tempting to spend the each pay period, so a promotion interest, or help you to eliminate her book, “SPC Davis: e Life and “There is one thing in common
extra income on the ever-growing or pay cut may change eligibil- the debt all together. Death of SPC Davis,” about Specialist among these fallen heroes and that is
wish-list, however it’s important ity during the deferral period. • Invest the normally withheld Richard omas Davis. Many showed they had a mother,” Bullock said. “Do-
to anticipate the taxes being col- According to the guidance, the money. If you already have your up at Fort Irwin’s Post Exchange to get ing things like this is more than we can
lected in 2021. deferral will end Dec. 31, 2020. emergency savings established, copies and speak with her. hope for, by remembering our loved
On Aug. 8, President Donald The current guidance from and you’re living far enough There were also testimonials and
J. Trump issued a Memorandum the Department of Treasury below your means that the extra videos shared throughout the week and ones, you are letting us know that they
for the Secretary of the Treasury indicates, “the due date for the withholding won’t hurt you, you the observance closed out on Sept. 27 mattered.”
authorizing deferral of payroll withholding and payment of may want to invest the money. with the lowering of the Gold Star Flag. You can visit
tax obligations in order to, “put the tax…is postponed until the • Talk to a Certified Financial mil/safr/sos/sos.html or https://www.
money directly in the pockets of period beginning on January 1, Counselor at Army Community According to Teresa Bullock, guest
American workers and generate 2021, and ending on April 30, Services (ACS) at DSN: 312- speaker and Gold Star Mother, the week personal-assistance/family-advocacy to
additional incentives for work 2021.” 470-9194; Comm: 760-380- of observances gives Gold Star families learn more about Survivor Outreach
and employment.” at means the deferred taxes 9194; Bldg. 109; or Military One an opportunity to stay connected and Services and the Gold Star community.
On Aug. 28, the Treasury De- will be collected as well as the Source (www.militaryonesource.
partment and Internal Revenue normal withholding, leading mil or 1-800-342-9647) to de-
Service released guidance as to to much smaller paychecks in termine what’s best for you and WACH hosts walk for Suicide
which taxes would be deferred the New Year. While this may your family. ey can help you
and who is eligible, but guidance change, when it comes to money, make a budget, give advice on Prevention Awareness Month
on how the deferred taxes will it is better to have it and not need investments, and guidance on
be collected still has not been it, than to need it and not have it. debt management. Story by Kimberly Hackbarth
published. Consider doing some of the If you have any questions
The Defense Finance and following: regarding deferral of certain Weed Army Community Hospital
Accounting Service (DFAS) • Take the normally withheld payroll tax obligations, please FORT IRWIN, Calif. — Caitlyn Clark, a military spouse, rst attempted
sent out details regarding with- amount and set up an allotment call 760-380-5321 for a legal suicide right before her 14th birthday. In the following months, she tried two
holding, which state that ser- to a savings account. Having appointment. Hours of Opera- more times. Grief and guilt over the death of her best friend made her feel
vicemembers making less than DFAS take the decision out of it tion are 8a.m. - 4p.m., Monday like her life was spiraling out of control.
$8,666.66 in monthly base pay, will make you more likely to save – Friday, closed ursdays from
and civilian employees making See SUICIDE, Page 12
it, and consequently, to have it if 8a.m. – 1p.m. The National Training Center and Fort Irwin community would like to thank the service members who retired from the military in October 2020. The monthly retirement ceremony was
held at the Sandy Basin Community Center on September 29.
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