Page 14 - Aerospace Valley Hybrid Air Show Program - October 5-10, 2020.....
P. 14

Air Force Plant 42, Palmdale, Calif.

     The origins of Plant 42 go back to   and production, while having excellent
   the early 1930s, when a small airstrip   flying weather all year round. The land
   was built in the desert.      which became Plant 42 fit these crite-
     It was listed in 1935 documenta-  ria. Consequently, the Air Force agreed
   tion as CAA Intermediate #5, and   to purchase the land from Los Angeles
   was established by the Bureau of Air   County in 1951.
   Commerce (later the Civil Aeronau-  The Air Force awarded a contract to
   tics Administration), who maintained   Lockheed Aircraft to develop the mas-
   a network of emergency landing fields.   ter plan for the site. The plan was to
   It provided a pilot in distress with a   construct a facility that would meet the
   better alternative than landing on a   requirements of full war mobilization
   public road or a farmer’s field.  and augment the industrial produc-
     In 1940, Palmdale Army Airfield   tion potential of the major airframe
   was activated as a U.S. Army Air   manufacturing industry in southern   from its original Burbank-Glendale-  are Lockheed Martin and Northrop   production facility. Specialized science
   Corps airfield, for use as an emergen-  California.         Pasadena Airport  site (now Bob Hope   Grumman.             platform aircraft, such as the DC-8 fly-
   cy landing strip and for B-25 Mitchell   The concept for Air Force Plant 42   Airport) after the end of the Cold War.  Throughout its history, the plant has   ing laboratory, high-altitude research
   medium bomber support training dur-  originated in the challenge of flight   Its present hangar was constructed   supported facilities for the production,   aircraft ER-2s, C-20A, Gulfstream
   ing World War II. It was one of many   testing high performance jet aircraft   in 1968 and the outer walls of the   engineering, final assembly and flight   III and the Stratospheric Observatory
   intermediate fields that were used as   over heavily populated areas.  structure were put up in a matter of   testing of high performance aircraft.   for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), are
   auxiliary fields or emergency landing   Following approval of the Master   days. Its hangar originally was built   During the 1980s it was used by Lock-  based at the Palmdale facility.  Build-
   fields by the Army Air Corps during   Plan in 1953, the Palmdale Airport   for the Lockheed L-1011 Tristar pas-  heed to produce the U-B/TR-1 and   ing 703 contains about 422,000 square
   World War II. Their dispersion along   officially became Air Force Plant   senger jet project.  support the SR-71. Northrop produced   feet of floor space, including 210,000
   the air routes, their infrequent use, and   42; ownership of the installation was   The Northrop Grumman facilities   the F-5E, and Rockwell supported the   square feet in the central hangar area
   their U.S. government ownership made   transferred to the federal government   at Plant 42 — known as the Palmdale   B-1B Lancer.  and an equivalent amount of office
   them ideal for use by military aircraft.   in 1954. With Air Force encourage-  Aircraft Integration Center of Excel-  Past projects include:  space on four floors.
   Palmdale Army Airfield acted as a   ment, Lockheed, looked upon with   lence — is currently building fuselages            In 2010, the Air Force changed the
   sub-base for Muroc Army Airfield and   favor by the Air Force at this time,   for the F-35 Lightning II, as well as   • Each of the Space Shuttle orbiters  operational status of Plant 42 from
   Hammer Army Airfield near Fresno.  established its permanent presence at   work on the Navy’s MQ-4C Triton,   • Modernization of the Space Shut-  Government Owned Contractor Oper-
     Palmdale Army Airfield was de-  Plant 42. It signed a lease in 1956 for   and the U.S. Air Force’s RQ-4 Global   tle Columbia’s cockpit area
   clared a surplus facility in 1946 and   237 acres to use Palmdale Airport for   Hawk .      • Lockheed L-1011 Tristar passen-  ated to a Defense Department-operated
   was purchased by Los Angeles County   final assembly and flight testing.                  ger jet                       facility. Privately operated since 1954,
   for use as a municipal airport. How-                          Aerospace contractors at Air Force   • B-1 Lancer Bomber  the Air Force now operates the facility
   ever, the outbreak of the Korean War   Lockheed’s famed Skunk Works,   Plant 42 share a common runway   • XB-70 Valkyrie  under the auspices of the 412th Test
   in 1950 caused the Air Force to reac-  which developed military aircraft in-  complex and either lease building   • X-15  Wing at Edwards Air Force Base, Ca-
   tivate the property for use in final as-  cluding the U-2, SR-71 Blackbird and   space from the Air Force (commonly   • SR-71 Blackbird  lif.
   sembly and flight testing of military jet   F-117 Nighthawk, is at Site 10 of the   referred to as GOCO, or Government   • F-117A Nighthawk  In the 21st century, the long legacy
   aircraft.                     complex (actually private property   Owned Contractor Operated), or own   • B-2 Spirit Bomber  of Air Force Plant 42 continues with
     Both the Air Force and its aircraft   with secure access to Plant 42 airfield),   their own building outright.        such programs as the Lockheed Mar-
   contractors needed a location away   near Sierra Highway.     There are eight separate produc-  In 2007, NASA became a tenant   tin X-59 QueSST Quiet Supersonic
   from major population centers — due   The Skunk Works were founded   tion sites especially suited for ad-  at Plant 42. NASA and Los Angeles   Transport, being designed and built
   to sonic booms, other noises and se-  by the legendary Kelly Johnson in   vanced technology and/or “black”   World Airports signed a 20-year lease   for NASA, and Northrop Grumman’s
   curity concerns — but close enough   Burbank, Calif. Lockheed Martin re-  program projects. Currently the most   on Bldg. 703 — the former Rockwell   B-21 Raider, the Air Force’s newest
   to the major centers of aircraft design   located the Skunk Works to Plant 42   well-known contractors at Plant 42   International/North American Aircraft   bomber.
    Air Force Research Laboratory Aerospace Systems

      The Air Force Research Laboratory at Edwards Air Force Base has known
    many names over the years and is now known as AFRL Aerospace Systems.
      Research areas range from experimental rocket propulsion, to developing the
    first ever lithium-ion main aircraft battery for use in the B-2 stealth bomber. At
    Edwards AFB, the test area is located east of Rogers Lake.

      The AFRL Rocket Propulsion Division has played a key role in advancing
    rocket engine technologies for the nation since 1952. Prior to the development
    of Project Apollo by NASA, the Air Force worked on the development and test-
    ing of the F-1 rocket engine used to power the Saturn V rocket. The facilities
    for testing rockets are frequently used for testing new rocket engines, including
    the RS-68 rocket engine developed for use on the Delta IV launch vehicle.
    June 23, 1955: The first
    of  a  series  of  30  firing
    tests of the XLR71-NA-1                                    January 2020:  The Altitude facility at Edwards Air
    rocket engine for the                                      Force Base, California, does tactical scale research on
    Navajo cruise missile                                      next generation rocket motor and engine components,
    took place at the Rocket                                   propellant formulations, and subsystems; and high
    Engine Test  Station.                                      vacuum research on satellite components, subsystems,
    The engine achieved                                        and systems. Research testing includes solid rocket
    approximately 243,000                                      motor testing at simulated altitudes up to 120,000
    pounds of thrust on the                                    feet. The complex has been used for space simulation
    stand. The  Edwards                                        to validate thrust vector control systems, baseline a
    History Office provided                                    standard for solid rocket motor propellants, research
    the photo which was                                        extendable nozzle cones, and systems, and research
    captured during liftoff of                                 space qualified ignition systems. The Air Force Research
    a Navajo cruise missile                                    Laboratory and Blue Origin are developing a new test
    at Cape Canaveral, Fla.,                                   facility for the Blue Origin BE-7 lunar lander engine at
    in April 1957.                                             the AFRL rocket lab at Edwards.            Dec. 22, 1964: A one million-pound thrust, solid rocket
                                                                                                          motor was successfully fired at the Rocket Propulsion
                                                                                                          Laboratory on Leuhman Ridge. The 120-inch diameter
                                                                                                          motor was under development for the Titan III Space
                                                                                                          Launch Vehicle Program.

                                                          Aerotech News and Review
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