Page 19 - Aerospace Valley Hybrid Air Show Program - October 5-10, 2020.....
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MOJAVE, from 18
           The Marines returned to Mojave in                                                        as general manager. He worked for, and   that specifies end-to-end delivery of the
          1951 to provide aviation facilities sup-                                                  accomplished, passage of Mojave Spe-  payloads, as well as their integration with
          porting regular operations of Fleet Marine                                                cific Plan and Updated Airport Land Use   the company’s XL-1 lander. They’re also
          Force aircraft performing rocket, gun-                                                    Compatibility Plan in 2002-2003; com-  required to land on the moon and oper-
          nery, bombing and field carrier-landing                                                   pleted detailed noise, environmental and   ate for at least 12 days post-landing. The
          practice. They stayed until 1959 and then                                                 archeological studies to support the mas-  specific instruments that XL-1 will carry
          transferred to Yuma, Ariz.                                                                ter plan project in the same years, and up-  include tools for measuring and mapping
           From 1963 to 1965, the U.S. Army and                                                     dated and presented the Mojave Airport   the lunar surface temperature, as well as
          the U.S. Air Force had a joint military ex-                                               Master Plan to Kern County Planning
          ercise at Marine Corps field and in the                                                   Department and Department of Airports.  radiation, and the detect the presence of
          surrounding desert called “Desert Strike.”                                                  In 2016, Karina Drees was hired as   hydrogen and other gases that could in-
           Unlimited Air Races in Mojave thrilled                                                   the CEO/general manager. She started   dicate the presence of water. The XL-1
          spectators from the late 1960s until the                                                  as the business development director in   lander developed by Masten is an evolu-
          1970s. Famous air racers Darryl Green-                                                    July 2012 and was named deputy general   tion of lander designs that took part in,
          amyer, Clay Lacy, O.A. Hayden-Baillie,                                                    manager the following year.   and won the NASA Centennial Northrop
          Howie Keefe, Sherm Cooper, Chuck Hall,                                                      Space companies abound at the space   Grumman Lunar Lander X-Prize Chal-
          Tony Lavier, “Fish” Salmon, Gene Akers,                                                   port and include Masten Space Systems,   lenge in 2009. Masten has also developed
          Wally McDonald and John Lear compet-                                        Courtesy photograph  who recently was selected by NASA to   and flown a number of vertical takeoff,
          ed with high powered warbirds, includ-  Aircraft sit on the flightline at MCAS Mojave during World War II.  deliver cargo to the moon in 2022. Mas-  vertical landing rockets on behalf of
          ing: P-51 Mustangs, F8F Bearcats, F4U                                                     ten’s contract is a $75.9 million award   NASA, including the Xaero test vehicle.
          Corsairs, Sea Fury’s and, in the California   The National Test Pilot School and   Binnie, winning the Ansari $10-million X-
          1000, there was a DC-7 and a Lockheed   Flight Research, Inc. were established in   Prize on Oct. 4, 2004, with Paul Allen’s
          Constellation!                1975 and are anchor tenants that began   SpaceShipOne.
           Early in 1972, Congressman Barry   their successful tenure when Sabovich   Richard Branson entered into the com-
          Goldwater, Jr. suggested that Dan Sabo-  was general manager.  mercial space business when he helped
          vich visit Santa Maria Airport and learn   Rutan Aircraft Factory began business   fund the last X-Prize flight in 2004 and
          how to form an airport district. A cam-  at Mojave Airport in 1974, developing   began planning the next steps into the
          paign was started to create the East Kern   the VariEze aircraft. Later, Burt Rutan   commercial space industry.
          Airport District. The voters approved the   designs made first flights from Mojave   Branson formed Virgin Galactic and
          “airport district” designation by a land-  Airport, including the Quickie, Defiant   The Spaceship Company and created
          slide and a five member board was elected   and Long-EZ prototypes. The one and   SpaceShipTwo and a new mother ship,
          in 1972.                      only Voyager aircraft, piloted by Dick Ru-  White Knight Two. The Spaceship
           Sabovich had a vision for Mojave Air-  tan and Jeana Yeager, made an epic flight   Company employs 400 people and is
          port and served as general manager from   around the world in 9 days, 3 minutes, 44   presently building another White Knight
          1972 until his retirement in 2002, with an   seconds, beginning on Dec. 14, 1986 and   and SpaceShip in their Mojave facility.
          easy going “can-do” spirit that allowed   ending on Dec. 23, 1986.  Their commercial flight operations have
          fledgling businesses to expand. He was   Burt Rutan established Scaled Com-  moved to New Mexico, but the produc-                       Courtesy photograph
          able to grow a former military installation   posites in 1982 and is now best known   tion line is still located at Mojave Air and
          into an airport that was successful and   for the first privately funded manned   Space Port.  Scaled Composites’ SpaceShipOne comes in for a landing at the Mojave Air
                                                                                                    and Space Port.
          well-known around the world.  space flight, with Mike Melvill and Brian   In April 2002, Stuart Witt was hired

                                                                 Aerotech News and Review
          October 5-10, 2020                   ........                                  19
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