Page 21 - Aerospace Valley Hybrid Air Show Program - October 5-10, 2020.....
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High Desert breaks ground on a new Air Force Flight Test Museum
Edwards Air Force Base is aviation’s spired the building of the Air Force Flight the collection.
hallowed ground. Pioneers, inventors Test Museum on Edwards Air Force Base But after 20 years, the current muse-
and record breakers have continued to 20 years ago. um’s 8,000 square feet can no longer hold
make their way to the High Desert, and Today, there are more than 80 aircraft the amount of history sitting in the Ante-
the unique weather and topography of in the museum’s collection, with 41 on lope Valley. Due to the museum’s current
the Antelope Valley of California, since display at the museum proper. Artifacts location on a military base amid a time
almost the dawn of flight. in the collection include aircraft propul- of increased national security concerns,
They came for the cloudless days, pri- sion systems, missiles, hardware, life the number of visitors to the museum
vacy from prying eyes and the miracu- support equipment, technical drawings, dramatically decreased by an astounding
lously hard and flat expanse of Rogers test reports, personal memorabilia, pho- 60 percent in the first year after the Sept.
Dry Lake. The area has seen milestones tographs, and wind tunnel models. The 11, 2001, attacks, severely affecting the
like testing America’s first jet, the break- history of these artifacts and the science museum’s ability to reach young students
ing of the sound barrier, rocket plane behind their design is taught through and the public.
flights to the edge of space, and the first classroom environments, docent-led It’s clear that a new museum outside
glide flights of the space shuttle. tours, video presentations, and numerous the gates of the base is essential to the
The rich history of this location in- exhibits with aircraft and artifacts from museum’s reach and longevity.
The Flight Test Museum Foundation
broke ground for a new, 75,000-square Courtesy photograph
foot museum outside the gates of Ed- The current museum is located inside the security perimeter at Edwards Air
wards in 2019. The board is still actively Force Base, Calif.
raising money for the construction of the
two new hangars that will house the var- mer months. With an accessible home preserve and protect the history of flight
ied artifacts of the museum’s collection base at the new museum, the education test, but also be the conduit to connect it
and create a new home base for STEM can expand over the entire school year, to a new generation. The skill and spirit
classrooms. with added programs created by the new of all those who shaped both the modern
A new museum will not only increase educational staff or in partnership with world and the American history of flight
visitor capacity from 15,000 to more than area STEM organizations. is alive at Edwards, and the Museum
100,000 visitors per year, it will give a The need for STEM employees, com- seeks to keep that alive by educating, in-
permanent home to the Junior Test Pilot munity support and understanding of spiring, and welcoming the next genera-
School, the museum’s summer program, STEM, and accessible education to low- tion through its doors.
which serves approximately 150 students income and traditionally underserved As of this writing, the Flight Test Mu-
every summer at Blackbird Airpark in populations is great in the area, as well as
Palmdale with hands-on activities and at a national level. The construction and seum is seeking another $7 million to
presentations from professionals in the opening of the new Air Force Flight Test complete the construction and retrofit-
Air Force photograph by Grady Fontana aerospace field for 3rd through 6th grade Museum will set the educational founda- ting of the new site. For more informa-
Concrete is poured, June 25, 2020, at the site of the future Air Force Flight students. tion of future STEM leaders in the area. tion about the new museum and to find
Test Museum at Edwards Air Force Base, which will be located just outside Currently, the majority of the JTPS In the new location, the Air Force out how you can support this effort, visit
of the Base’s West Gate.
activities are concentrated over the sum- Flight Test Museum seeks to not only
Nov. 1-11, 2020 • Pelona Vista Park, 37720 Tierra Subida Ave., Palmdale
Presented by
Palmdale Auto Mall Association and City of Palmdale
Opening Ceremony, Sun., Nov. 1, 2 pm • Veterans Day Ceremony, Wed., Nov. 11, 11 am
Nov. 1-11
Free Admission • 24 Hour Access
American Legion Post 348 Information Booth Daily, 9 am-5 pm
Flags are available for $30 at
Pelona Vista Park, 37720 Tierra Subida Ave., Palmdale
Flags may be purchased to honor those who serve or have served inthe military, law enforcement, fire/EMT, or medical personnel.
All proceeds will benefit local veteran charities: Vets 4 Veterans, Coffee 4 Vets, Point Man AV, American Legion 348, and VFW 3000.
Opening Ceremony, Sunday, November 1, 2 pm
Aerotech News and Review
October 5-10, 2020 Veterans Day Ceremony, Wednesday, November 11, 11 am 21 ........
Featuring 2,020 flags on 7½ foot tall poles in ordered rows
creating a massive vista of red, white and blue.
Flags are available for $30 at
Flags may be purchased to honor those who serve or have served in
the military, law enforcement, fire/EMT, or medical personnel.
All proceeds will benefit local veteran charities: Vets 4 Veterans,
Coffee 4 Vets, Point Man AV, American Legion 348, and VFW 3000.