Page 26 - Aerospace Valley Hybrid Air Show Program - October 5-10, 2020.....
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Plane Crazy Saturday at Mojave Air & Space Port

                                 exemption was not automatic. Each
   by Cathy Hansen
   special to Aerotech News      year, the owner has to submit an af-
                                 fidavit by Feb. 15, paying a filing fee
     In late 2008, The Mojave Transpor-  of $35 upon the initial application for
   tation Museum Foundation was ap-  exemption. Also, other conditions had
   proached by an antique aircraft owner,   to be met, including: the event has to
   asking if they might be interested in   be open to the public, it has to be free
   sponsoring a Historic Aircraft Display   to the public, the aircraft must be dis-
   Day at Mojave Airport. Aircraft owners   played for at least 12 days in the year
   with planes that are 35 years or older   and a certificate of attendance signed
   wanted a display day they could use for   by a representative of the event needs
   tax purposes.                 to be attached to the historical aircraft
     The State of California passed a   exemption application.
   law in 2004, Exemption for Aircraft   The MTM Board of Directors put
   of Historical Significance, and then   their heads together and decided that
   sent letters to all county assessors with   we could meet these conditions if we
   implementation procedures requiring   had a monthly event on the same Satur-
   aircraft owners to submit a certificate   day each month — but now, we needed
   of attendance showing the date of dis-  a catchy name for the event. Board Di-
   play, how long the display lasted and   rector Kelly Hall, who has worked with
   signed by the event coordinator.  Dick Rutan since the Voyager days,
     According to documents from Kern   came up with the name in about two
   County, “Aircraft of historical signifi-  minutes! She said, “Everyone at Mo-
   cance can be exempted from taxation   jave Airport is so enthusiastic and cra-
   if they meet certain requirements. Sec-  zy about airplanes, so how about Plane
   tion 22.5 defines “aircraft of historical   Crazy Saturday?” Everyone agreed that
   significance” as: (1) an aircraft that is   would be the name of the event.
   an original, restored, or replica of a   Even though the museum has no
   heavier than air-powered aircraft 35   building, on Jan. 17, 2009, MTM held                                                         Photograph by Cathy Hansen
   years or older; or (2) any aircraft of a   the first Plane Crazy Saturday event   A California Highway Patrol helicopter leaves the Mojave Air and Space Port.
   type or model of which there are fewer   with Cory and Patti Bird’s beautiful
   than five such aircraft known to exist   homebuilt, flying work of art, “Sym-  sphere. Many pilots stayed by their   nificent Rutan designed “Starship” for   the Starship.
   worldwide.”                   metry.” Cory designed this aircraft   aircraft and answered questions. Cory   a film shoot with Discovery TV. “This   Voyager Restaurant did a great job
     There was a lot to learn to make   and built it in his garage in Mojave.   and Patti Bird received numerous and   is Chamber of Commerce weather,”   and called in extra help for the event.
   sure all details requested by the county   (He called it his resume`.) Participants   well-deserved compliments on “Sym-  said Scherer. It was a beautiful day and   Many local Mojave Airport pilots
   were met. Aircraft owners needed to   with aircraft and visitors to the airport   metry.”  it was even more perfect when he did
   be aware that the historical aircraft   enjoyed the low-key, friendly atmo-  Rob Scherer was there with the mag-  a few flybys with steep climb outs in   See PLANE, Page 27
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                                                          Aerotech News and Review
   26                                   ........             October 5-10, 2020
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