Page 27 - Aerospace Valley Hybrid Air Show Program - October 5-10, 2020.....
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PLANE, from 26
displayed their aircraft and Phil and will have a Memorial Celebration of allow us to have the scrapbook on dis-
Barbara Schultz flew their gorgeous Life for him at Mojave Air and Space play that she made when her husband,
Beechcraft Model 18 over from Little Port. Dan Sabovich, was general manager
Buttes Airport for display. There have been so many ‘only at of the East Kern Airport District for
What started as a historical display Mojave Airport’ days at Plane Crazy thirty years, from 1972 to 2002. The
day for aircraft owners soon turned Saturday. On June 20, 2009, everyone scrapbook has been digitized and is on
into a ‘must attend’ event each month. was mesmerized when White Knight display in the hallway of the Mojave
Aviation enthusiasts from miles One did a low pass down runway 26 Air and Space Port Administration
around started coming. MTM Board and then landed on runway 30. It then Building.
Director, Mike Massee, invited avia- taxied right down taxiway Charlie in The family friendly atmosphere
tion artist Douglas Castleman to at- front of everyone. attracted young families with excite-
tend and his paintings were a big hit. On Sept. 18, 2010, Plane Crazy Sat- ment and anticipation of seeing and
Massee also made flyers that were dis- urday celebrated the 75th Anniversary touching aircraft from years gone by,
tributed around to other airports and of Mojave Airport at their monthly to seeing the latest creations of Scaled
signed every aircraft “Certificate of event. Composites. Future pilots and aero-
Participation.” Twenty-eight aircraft What started as a dirt airstrip laid space engineers flocked to the ‘field
were signed in. out by Kern County in 1935 has, step- of dreams’ — Mojave Air and Space
MTM sent out press releases ad- by-step, developed into a flourishing Port.
vertising the event. News articles general aviation airport, flight test Orbital Sciences’ Stargazer, now
appeared in the Mojave Desert News center, iconic commercial spaceport owned by Northrop Grumman,
and The Antelope Valley Press and and industrial complex. The tenants brought the last flying L-1011 in the
someone told us that they had seen an at Mojave Air and Space Port never world for display several times and Photograph by Cathy Hansen
announcement on Channel 3 News in stop amazing the world! was always awe-inspiring to the little A little boy stands by the landing gear of an aircraft during a Plane Crazy
Palmdale! MTM wanted to honor our Marine ones and parents alike. Just to stand Saturday at Mojave Air and Space Port.
Fifty-five aircraft were displayed Corps history at Mojave Airport and next to the landing gear is a thrill for
at the second Plane Crazy Saturday at lots of Marines turned out for the oc- kids. The aircraft is mighty impressive ing: Burt Rutan; Dick Rutan; Mike 13, 2019, when StratoLaunch debuted
Mojave Airport and JoAnn Painter’s casion! The U.S. Marine Corps re- and brought many people out who had Melvill, America’s first Commercial with their first flight.
Meyers “Little Toot” was the aircraft cruiters set up a display which was a helped build Tri-Stars in Palmdale. Astronaut in SpaceShipOne; Brian Hopefully, Plane Crazy Saturday
of the month. Her husband, Wen, big hit with the kids. The CHP brought Each year Mojave Transportation Binnie, America’s second Commercial can re-start again in the next few
purchased the airplane from famous a patrol car and helicopter! Gary Museum Foundation recognized all of Astronaut in SpaceShipOne; Aviation months. It has been closed down dur-
NASA test pilot Fitzhugh Fulton and Corippo flew his immaculate Vultee our Emergency Services with plaques Author Jonna Doolittle Hoppes and ing the COVID-19 pandemic. People
presented it to his wife as a Christmas BT-13 from Paso Robles. Many dig- of appreciation for their service to our her cousin, Jimmy Doolittle, III with miss coming to the airport and talking
gift. nitaries were present, including Con- local communities, including Califor- an up close and personal glimpse of with the pilots and enjoying the aero-
Our dear friend and Founding gressman Kevin McCarthy, Assembly- nia Highway Patrol; Kern County their famous grandfather, Army Air space community at Mojave Air and
Board Member, Wen Painter passed woman Jean Fuller and Kern County Sheriff; Kern County Fire Department, Corps aviator Gen. Jimmy Doolittle, Space Port.
away April 21, 2020, in Pleasanton, Supervisor Don Maben. Mojave Station 14 and Kern County and Jim Payne — Perlan Project. The museum foundation has a focus
Calif., and as soon as possible, MTM Mrs. Jerri Sabovich was so kind to Aerial Fire Department; Mercy Air; Payne returned in 2014 and brought on building a facility in the future that
Hall Ambulance; and East Kern Air- Dennis Tito, first private space ex- would showcase the transportation
port District Fire-Crash-Rescue. plorer, to talk about Perlan II Project. history of the Mojave area. MTM’s
In 2011, a program with speakers One of the most exciting events tag line ‘From Mule Teams to Space
was added to PCS and notable avia- was at the last Mojave Experimental Dreams’ by founding board member
tion icons have participated, includ- Fly-In/Plane Crazy Saturday April Alan Radecki sums it up nicely.
Photograph by Cathy Hansen
Fifty-five aircraft were displayed at the second Plane Crazy Saturday at Mojave
Airport and JoAnn Painter’s Meyers “Little Toot” was the aircraft of the month. Photograph by Cathy Hansen
Orbital Sciences ‘Stargazer,’ now owned by Northrop-Grumman, brought the last flying L-1011 in the world for display
several times and was always awe-inspiring to the little ones and parents alike.
An aircraft sits on the flightline at
the Mojave Air and Space Port
for Plane Crazy Saturday.
Photograph by Cathy Hansen
Rob Scherer attended a Plane Crazy Saturday with the magnificent Rutan
designed “Starship” for a film shoot with Discovery TV. Photograph by Mike Massee
Aerotech News and Review
October 5-10, 2020 ........ 27